God goes ahead of us

Then Deborah said to Barak, ‘Go! This is the day the LORD has given Sisera into your hands. Has not the LORD gone ahead of you?’ So Barak went down Mount Tabor, followed by ten thousand men. [Judges 4:14].
In this passage we see God working in the midst of human circumstances.
We see Barak as afraid, and Jael as brave.
We see soldiers and warfare and violence with tent pegs.
This is not the kind of stuff we find in children’s bibles.
But we also see God at work behind the scenes.
God uses women (undervalued and oppressed in that culture) to humble the men.
Barak and Sisera (representing the male ego) are put in their place.
But its messy, gritty not pretty.
The Lord is at work (or goes ahead of us) through the messy details.

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. [John 17:15]
Jesus affirms that the plan is not to take us out of the mess of this world, but to humble and help us in this world, through the gritty details.
He is protecting us from the ultimate intent of the evil one, but that does not mean we do not go through the challenges and struggles caused by the evil one.
This life is the stage where our character is pruned and improved.
But through the whole journey, through all the tough stuff, the Lord goes ahead of us – preparing the way and protecting us on the way.

I love this line, has not the Lord gone ahead of you?
In other words, as I go through my day, the Lord has already been here, preparing the way and providing the support and protection needed to make it through.
He is not taking us out of the world, but He is providing and protecting us in the world.

What are the situations that cause me to fear?
What if I would repeat this line to myself: has not the Lord gone ahead of you?
Why be afraid, Jesus is stronger than the devil.
He is in charge. He has beaten the devil and is restoring God’s creation.
Nothing happens outside of His plan and purpose.
Though I still face the challenges and struggles of this world, the Lord is protecting me from the evil one’s destructive plan.
Nothing, and no one, can snatch me from His hand [John 10:28-29].

The Lord has gone ahead of me into today.
He knows what I will face, and He has set the stage for me to make it through, with His help, whatever comes.

Lord, the path is prepared before me. Everything I need to survive and succeed is laid out. Open my eyes to look for, and receive Your provision.

One Comment

  1. Once again the people did what was right in their own eyes – and that was evil in the eyes of the Lord. And in their oppression they cried out to the Lord. Some men place their trust in chariots as did the enemies of Israel. They trusted in their own might. How great their downfall.

    Once agin the Lord hears the people’s cry and He sends a judge but this time a woman. This was out of the ordinary and against their cultural norms. God is at work. All is a possibility with God.

    I too like the statement found in this passage – ‘Has not the Lord gone ahead of you?’ Wherever I go, wherever I am, the Lord My God has gone before me. That gives me confidence and hope and strength and security and . . . that is ALL in all. What more do I need?

    Today is the orientation and registration of about 90 high school students. School is on and classes start Monday. And as I stand on the threshold of a new school year I can travel with confidence for the Lord my God has gone ahead of me.

    Walking and talking with Jesus
    Smoothes the rugged way.
    Walking and talking with Jesus
    Brings the light of day;
    Walking and talking with Jesus
    Fills the heart with love;
    Walking and talking with Jesus
    Is like Heav’n above.

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