let the children know

After that whole generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew neither the LORD nor what he had done for Israel. Then the Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD and served the Baals. [Judges 2:10-11]
Two points catch my attention: first, that the people disobey God by allowing the Canaanites to practice their religious immorality among them; and second, that their children do not know the Lord nor what He had done for Israel.
The parents fail to instruct their children.
And their children turn away from God.

What a huge responsibility it is to be responsible for children (whether as a parent or as a teacher or leader).
We need to model the lifestyle of following Jesus, but we also need to communicate it.
We need to bring our children to Jesus, both by our words and our actions.
People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them.
When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them.
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. [Luke 18:15-16]
Although I can’t imagine intentionally keeping children from Jesus, do I by my example or by my silence, keep children distant from Him.

Someone pointed out to me recently that the younger generation in the church does not know the Lord’s Prayer, nor the Apostles’ Creed.
Of course I know them by heart, but do my children, or the youth in our church?
I am not intentionally keeping them from knowing these important expressions of faith, but by my silence and practice (not using them in the home or in church services), am I keeping them from benefiting from them?

I thank the Lord that our children do know Him, and what He has done for them.
I thank God that they have decided to believe, and to serve Him.
But these passages remind me of how important it is to share my faith and practice with them, and other youth around me.
The next generation needs to know the Lord, and what He can do for them.

This is the lesson that I hear from the Lord today, that I need to SHOW and TELL the next generation about the Lord, so that they will know Him and follow Him too.

Lord, help me to reveal You in my words and actions, so that my children, and their children – and so on – may know and follow You.

One Comment

  1. What a testimony! ‘The people served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him and who had seen the great things the Lord had done for Israel.’ Yet the HIStory was not passed on from generation to generation. God’s story was not know by the generation that came after.

    And the people did what was right in their own eyes. They did not follow the ways of the Lord.

    What a responsibility each generation has – to tell HIStory – all what the Lord God has done in the lives of the people. Parents, tell your children. Grandparents tell your children and your children’s children all what the Lord has done for us. Tell of His mighty acts, His faithfulness, His leading, His majesty, His working in our daily lives..

    And make use of His gifts to His people – His institutions – to help His people along the way. Church and Christian education are gifts to help us along the way to learn more, to see Him more, to strengthen us more, to guide us along the way. The community of God, His people has the responsibility to share the Good News to the following generation so that the next generation will also serve their Creator.

    Thank You Lord for raising people even today to lead so that Your people may know You and follow You every day. Give us all ears that listen to Your Word so that this generation will also walk in Your SonShine.

    Come to the Savior now,
    He gently calleth thee;
    In true repentance bow,
    Before Him bend the knee;
    He waiteth to bestow
    Salvation, peace, and love,
    True joy on earth below,
    A home in Heav’n above.

    Come to the Savior now,
    Ye who have wandered far;
    Renew your solemn vow,
    For His by right you are;
    Come, like poor wand’ring sheep
    Returning to His fold;
    His arm will safely keep,
    His love will ne’er grow cold.

    Come to the Savior, all,
    Whate’er your burdens be;
    Hear now His loving call,
    “Cast all your care on Me.”
    Come, and for ev’ry grief
    In Jesus you will find
    A sure and safe relief,
    A loving Friend and kind.

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