stronger than chariots

The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had iron chariots. [Judges 1:19]
In this opening chapter of Judges, we see that the Israelites did not obey the Lord’s command to totally remove the Canaanites from the land.
This verse says that the Lord was with the men of Judah, but that they were not able to drive the inhabitants out because of their iron chariots.
Were the chariots to strong even for the Lord?
As I read this chapter, my sense is that the problem was with the Israelites, not with the Lord.
Afterall, Jericho was a impregnable fortress, yet they succeeded with the Lord’s help.

For nothing is impossible with God. [Luke 1:37]
The Lord does not ask us to do the impossible.
Of course, it may be impossible for us alone, but not for us with the Lord.
The Lord does not send us out on our own, He goes with us and empowers us with His Spirit.
Even though He is in heaven, the Lord is still working alongside of us: Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. [Mark 16:20].
If the Lord is asking us to do something, He will provide the necessary resources to do it.

The book of Judges is the record of the failure of Israel to trust and obey the Lord.
It is also the record of God’s grace, despite their failure.
When they wander and their lives fall apart, God steps in when they cry out for help.
Even though they are messing things up for themselves, He steps in again and again to save their behinds.

For us in our efforts as a church, we can be sure that the Lord is providing what we need to fulfill His mission.
If we do not work with Him or do what He wants us to do, we will experience the consequences.
God cannot bless our disobedience.
But if we come to our senses and ask for help, He will help.
He will allow us to try again, and will provide the resources to succeed.
If the Lord is asking us to do something, He will provide the necessary resources to do it.

There are no obstacles (iron chariots) too great for the Lord.
The Lord assured us when He commissioned us that He would be with us to the every end.
This comfort is for all who work with Him in His mission!

Lord, help me not to push Your grace. Help me to step out in faith now, and trust that You will confirm our efforts with Your power!

One Comment

  1. God’s people were to drive out the nations around them from the land promised to them. It went well for some time but then I read the refrain – ‘ did not drive out the people . . . ‘ They, God’s people started to live among the Canaanites rather than exercise the ban which was the Lord’s command.

    There is a refrain in the book of Judges that comes to my mind -everyone did what was right in his own eyes. How quickly do the people of God forget the past – what the Lord God had done for them.

    Today I must remember the past for what He completed then He is also able to do today. What a mighty God we serve! As Joshua had a passion for His Lord, so I must tackle this day in the same way – This is the day He has created and I must go forward prayerfully in His power with passion and persistence. Never give up. Trust and obey for there is no other way to be happy.

    Happiness is . . . doing the Lord’s work/will. Help me on my way today Lord. Lead me and guide me along the way by Your Spirit.

    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
    to shine for Him each day.
    In every moment.
    at home at work at play.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
    Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.
    A sunbeam, a sunbeam
    I’ll be a sunbeam for Him

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