God-saturated, God-driven

SCRIPTURE: 1 Corinthians 7
I wish that all men were as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. [1 Corinthians 7:7]
The Corinthians had written a letter to Paul, asking a number of questions, including one about marriage.
Paul speaks to them as a single, telling them that although marriage is a good thing, in this present world its easier to stay unmarried.
But Paul is also honest enough to recognize that not everyone can handle this – and he assures them that it is ok.
In the process Paul gives advice about singleness, divorce, mixed marriages, remarriage, and how these affect our serving the Lord.

Marriage is good, a part of God’s original creation design.
But we no longer live in a original creation, we live in a world ruined by sin.
This makes marriage and sexuality very difficult – hence Paul’s advice.
When Jesus spoke about marriage, the disciples also sensed this: The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.” Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. [Matthew 19:10-11]
Paul seems to pick up on what Jesus says here when he talks about each one having their own gift from God – singleness is a gift or calling from God.

Marriage, in the best case scenario, is an opportunity for two people to partner together with each and God.
Unfortunately many people do not experience this best case scenario.
Divorce, abuse, sexual immorality and infidelity are very common.
The fire of lust burns in us causing many to fall and hurt themselves and others.
Our world celebrates this, yet also sees the devastating consequences of it.
We are living in a sex-saturated, sex-driven world, and we are only increasingly miserable because of it.

Sex, marriage or singleness cannot help us.
Apart from God, we will never have peace or satisfaction.
The heart of Paul’s advise here, and the best gift that God can give us, is a God-saturated and God-driven heart, whether single or married.
This needs to be our top priority.
This needs to be what arouses our hearts more than anything else.

This passage calls us to be honest about our own passions, including our sexual passions.
Are we aroused more by God than by sexual pleasure (in whatever form that takes)?

Lord, I ask for this gift of a God-saturated, God-driven heart, more than any other passion or pleasure.

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