seeing the world missionally

”Missional leaders see the world through the eyes of Jesus and see Jesus in the world.”
(Earl Creps, Off-Road Disciplines, xiv)
So how do I see my part of the world, where I live, work, socialize?
Or better, who do I see?
What does Jesus see when He looks at the people within my present field of vision?
He loves them, He is concerned for them, He came for them, He died for them.
Do I see Jesus in this lady who just sat down next to me?
What if I would wear rose-tinted sunglasses (red for Jesus’ blood, symbol of His loving sacrifice)?
This would give me a better sense how inclusive and extensive the love of God in Christ is.
It would be a constant reminder that everywhere and always is tinged by the gospel.
Everywhere and always, like Jesus, I am sent by God to show and share His grace.
Lord, give me eyes to see this way, to see as You see, and to see You everywhere and always.

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