my food…

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 18
The Levites, however, do not get a portion among you, because the priestly service of the LORD is their inheritance. [Joshua 18:7]
I had a tough time making a connection between this passage and the message of Jesus.
The passage is about the mapping of the land, the selection of areas by lot, and the inheritance of Benjamin.
In the midst of this we also hear again about the Levites, who do not receive a portion of the land.
Their inheritance is the task of serving the Lord.
Their daily bread does not come from the land, but from their serving the Lord.
Their food is to do the work of the Lord.

‘My food,’ said Jesus, ‘is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.’ [John 4:34]
Jesus found satisfaction in doing God’s work.
He was not looking for wealth or success in a worldly sense, He wanted to please God.
He was the ultimate Levite, and He calls us to follow Him, to be Levites – servant of the Lord in the land, less concerned about things than about doing the Lord’s work.
And trusting that the Lord will provide for our daily bread.

Can I say this, is this my heart?
I want it to be.
I can imagine what it would be like to be more fulfilled by following God than by meeting my needs.
To find greater joy in doing His work, than in my own agenda.
I have met people like this, you can hear it in their words and see it in their actions that they find the greatest pleasure or delight in living for Jesus.

I am also a sent one, I have work to do.
He has placed me here for a purpose.
You might say, like Levi, we have unique callings.
What our task is differs from person to person, but each one of us has a unique calling.
It is our responsibility to figure out what it is, and to do it.

A long time ago, I prayed through a mission statement for myself: to have a close personal walk with God, and to help others have the same.
Since then this has expanded to include raising up leaders in this cause.
And the context of this is primarily the Ajax area.
So with increasing clarity, I am getting a sense of WHO God has called me to be, WHAT I am to be doing, and WHERE I am to do it.
I can still work out better HOW I will do it.
But now to see this as my unique calling – like the Levites, like Jesus – a calling which feeds my soul, which is my inheritance!

Lord, thank You for calling me, and helping me clarify my call. This is my desire, my food, that I would delight in doing this more than anything else.

One Comment

  1. The passage is about the division of the land. The question was raised;

    “How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you?”

    That also needs be the question to God’s people today – to you and me. How have I taken possession of the land the Lord God has given me? What have I done with my territory? My inheritance?

    My holidays, my rest, my breakaway is almost over. During that time we had very little internet connection. However our connection to God is always there. We continue to work in His kingdom while being re-energized. More is being sent to Haiti to help those in need there through the starting of cottage industries via sewing for the Apparent Project and the school for the deaf. This is part of our service to the Lord there and while here, finding the resources to make all this a possibility.

    No matter where I am, I am in kingdom service. Soon the school year will start. August 13th is the first school day for QCS – a short time away. That too is part of my kingdom service. God has given us an inheritance. All we/I need to do is to take possession of it and run with it. Help me Lord on my way.

    Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah,
    Pilgrim through this barren land;
    I am weak, but Thou art mighty,
    Hold me with Thy pow’rful hand.
    Bread of heaven, Bread of heaven,
    Feed me till I want no more;
    Feed me till I want no more.

    Verse 2
    Open now the crystal fountain,
    Whence the healing stream doth flow;
    Let the fire and cloudy pillar
    Lead me all my journey through.
    Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer,
    Be Thou still my strength and shield;
    Be Thou still my strength and shield.

    Verse 3
    When I tread the verge of Jordan,
    Bid my anxious fears subside;
    Bear me thro’ the swelling current,
    Land me safe on Canaan’s side.
    Songs and praises, songs and praises,
    I will ever give to Thee;
    I will ever give to Thee.

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