basic elements of being a disciple

If someone were to ask me what it means to be a disciple, I would suggest the following.
A disciple is someone who is devoted to Jesus as God’s Messiah and His kingdom mission.
This devotion expresses itself in three ways, three movements.
First, a disciple lives in daily, interactive fellowship with God and Jesus.
Second, a disciple learns and grows through the mutual support and accountability of other believers.
Third, a disciple lives out the life and love of Jesus in the community where God has called them.
These three elements can be shaped in a variety of ways, but they are essential to being a disciple of Jesus.

It is not enough to agree with these ideas in principle, we need to implement them in practice.
Personal devotions (prayerful bible-reading) are an important starting point for interacting with the Lord daily.
Some kind of small group relationships are essential for a healthy support and accountability.
And participation in some kind of community activity is critical for extending the kingdom beyond my safe, private world.
A disciple will be and do a variety of things, but certainly healthy discipleship will involve at least these things:
— intentional time with the Lord
— intentional time with other disciples
— intentional time in the community

How about you, does your discipleship involve these three elements?
If not, what intentional, practical steps will you take to strengthen them in your christian life?

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