not afraid

SCRIPTURE: Joshua 10
The LORD said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you.” [Joshua 10:8]
Humanly speaking, this mission is doomed to fail.
The odds are against Israel; they do not stand a chance against the fortified, armed and organized armies of Canaan.
Fear is a natural response to an impossible situation.
But the Lord says, ‘do not be afraid’.
Why? Because of what the Lord will do…‘I have given them into your hand’.
As we read this chapter, we need to see especially the Lord’s role in the military victories – the hail, the sun standing still, the repeated victories, these are all because of Him!

The first disciples also faced an impossible situation.
The odds were against them.
Taking on the Jewish establishment, or the organized religions and societies, how could they succeed?
They were few in numbers, and the ‘world’ they were called to penetrate was strong, secure, well-defended.
Their message seemed weak – repent, believe?
Put confidence in a crucified King?
Turn the other cheek?
Take up the cross? Wash feet?
Again, fear is the natural response to an impossible situation.
But Jesus says, Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. [Luke 12:32].
Again, the reason for confidence is because of God, Who is pleased to give them the kingdom.

As Jesus-followers called to advance the kingdom in the world, facing impossible odds, situations and challenges, we can be confident because the Lord has decided to give the world into our hands.
Our confidence is not in our numbers, our buildings, our programs, our strategic plans… our confidence is in the Lord.
He is able to direct nature itself (the hail and the sun) to make us successful.
He is working invisibly behind the scenes while we work visibly in the world.
He is preparing the way before we come, and He will use what we do to accomplish His kingdom purpose.

Practically speaking, as we represent Jesus in our conversations, our acts of service, our relationships, He is working to help us succeed.
I am getting to know some people who are not Jesus-followers, for the specific purpose of connecting them to Him.
At times I am nervous as I speak, but then I hear this encouragement, do not be afraid, I have given them into your hand!
I don’t know exactly how the Lord will work through me, but I can be confident that He will!

Lord, do something today that will help ________ experience You in a dramatic way, that they may surrender their heart to You!

One Comment

  1. The exercise of the ban and yet . . . I hear the constant refrain – ‘do not be afraid; i have given them into your hand.’ Then I read how the Lord helped His people in their battles to bring all under His domain.

    So today also the refrain must be – – – ‘ do not be afraid. I have given them into your hand, Not one of them will be able to withstand you.’ What a mighty God I serve. He powers. He wins the battles. He goes before His people. He gives the victories. The people are never alone. I am never alone. He empowers me. Where do I see/did I see His power over me? Look for Him today and see what a mighty God I serve. The world is His and He must win the battle. All will one day again be His. Help me Lord to live in Jesus today.

    Our Father’s wondrous works we see
    In the earth and sea and sky;
    He rules o’er all in majesty,
    From His royal throne on high.

    What a mighty God we serve!
    What a mighty God we serve!
    Reigning now above, on His throne of love,
    What a mighty God we serve!

    The raging winds and waves are calm,
    When He says to them, “Be still”;
    The heavens praise Him in a psalm,
    And the angels do His will.

    He maketh worlds by His command,
    Weighs the mountains great and high;
    He metes the waters in His hand,
    Spans the lofty, starlit sky.

    Our God, to save from sin’s control,
    Gave His Son: a sacrifice;
    His grace, abounding in the soul,
    Makes the earth a paradise.

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