as goes the mouth…

There are two readings for today.

Now my soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save me from this hour’? No, it was for this very reason I came to this hour. Father, glorify your name! [John 12:27-28]
Jesus’ soul is troubled, what does He say?
David’s soul is troubled, what does he say?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? [Psalm 13:2]
When your soul is troubled, what do you say?

The words that come from our mouth reveal a lot about both the state and direction of our heart.
Both Jesus and David were under spiritual, emotional attack – Jesus was genuinely troubled.
This was not easy for Jesus to say because He was Word of God in flesh.
He articulates His struggle, as does David, but both of them refuse to stop there.
They refuse to let their troubles and struggles have the last word.

Father, glorify your name! [John 12:27-28]
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me. [Psalm 13:6]

Their words reveal a lot about the direction of their hearts.
Though they did not deny their struggles and pretend that everything was OK, they looked up to God in faith and held on to their hope in Him.
Jesus remains convinced that God has a good purpose for His life.
David remains confident that God will once again step in to help Him, as He has in the past.
Their words reveal a lot about the state and direction of their hearts.

Pay attention to how you speak when you are in a tough spot.
Do we complain or grumble a lot, do we express our fears more than our faith?
Do we give greater ‘glory’ to our troubles, than to the Lord?
Do we magnify the gory of sin, rather than the glory of God?
We can honestly express our struggles, and name our fears or doubts.
But keep the focus on God.

One more thing, make no doubt that there is a magnetic pull to our words.
If our words drag us down, our hearts will be dragged down; if our words direct us up, our hearts will be directed up.
What do your words reveal about the state and direction of your heart?

Lord, my struggles seems small compared to others, yet often I see others as more hopeful than me. May the words of my mouth direct my heart towards You, and give me hope!

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