everlasting arms

SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 33
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. [John 10:28-29]
Do you think of God as over you, around you, under you, with you?
Do you feel secure in His everlasting, never-failing grip?
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. [Deuteronomy 33:27]

Moses sings a blessing over each of the tribes, a positive, encouraging prayer of blessing.
At the end He paints a word picture of God as a refuge, a safe place, supported by the everlasting arms of God.
The image of a lamb being carried on the shoulders of a good shepherd, held secure by his firm grip.
Moses uses this image for Benjamin, the youngest son, the smallest tribe: About Benjamin he said: ‘Let the beloved of the LORD rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the LORD loves rests between his shoulders.’ [Deuteronomy 33:12]

God came to us as the Good Shepherd – Jesus – and reaffirmed this message through Him.
We need to remind ourselves of this continually.
No one is greater than God, He is the greatest, the eternal God.
No one can snatch us from His everlasting arms.

I am choosing to memorize this passage today: The eternal God is my refuge, and underneath me are the everlasting arms. [Deuteronomy 33:27].
I have no idea what is coming today, but I do know where I am, Who is with me, and Who is the greatest, the strongest.
I begin my day in a good place.
Like David I can reflect on the fact that the Lord is my Shepherd, and therefore I will lack nothing.
Even if I end up going through a valley today, where the shadow (the fear, the threat) of death (struggle, disappointment, disaster) overwhelms me – yet I will fear no evil.
For underneath me are the everlasting arms.
No one, nothing at all, can separate me from His love.

Are you starting your day in this good place?
Are you finding refuge in the eternal God?
Do you sense His hands, His arms, all around you?

Lord, thank You for this assurance. Nothing can separate me from Your love.


  1. Safe and secure.

    All Your people are in Your hand.

    Coming into your presence, we all bow down. We listen for Your Word. God’s Words brings life, direction. He is our Refuge, our Safety, our Shield, our Helper, our Sword. We are never alone for our God is with us. We are under His everlasting arms. There is none like Him. he rides the heavens to help His people. What a Saviour.

    And so in my travels today, I have this blessed assurance that He is with me always. I walk with my risen Saviour. And do I see that? Do I see His power and majesty? Do I see and experience His strength and power? Where will I see His Shield and Power and Help? Open my eyes Lord that I do see You. Open my ears Lord that I do hear You. Open my will Lord that I am dependent upon You and walk in your SonShine always.

    I too a saved by the Lord, my Creator, my Shield, my Helper, my God.

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