how we relate to God

SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 5
“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” [John 1:14]
At Mount Sinai, the Word (message) of God came as blazing fire, cloud, deep darkness and stone tablets.
But with Jesus, God’s Word becomes flesh – human, personal.
Moses was the human messenger through whom God spoke then; Jesus is the ultimate human messenger, God Himself personally revealing Himself in the flesh, full of grace and truth.
“For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.” [John 1:17-18].

The glory of God revealed through Moses was frightening; the glory of God revealed through Jesus was inviting.
The message of the Law was the magnitude of sin; the message of Jesus was the greater magnitude of grace.
These two messages do not oppose each other, the former precedes the latter in a necessary way.
We need to know the seriousness of sin in order to appreciate and seek the wonder of grace. God uses the history of humanity and Israel prior to Jesus coming to make the point: there is something seriously wrong in us, and we need God’s help to fix it.

God is still holy.
His will is still right and necessary.
We should honour and respect God as God, and not treat Him as less than this.
And yet, we should not forget that this holy God, frightening to imagine in the fullness of His glory, has chosen to reveal Himself primarily through the person of Jesus.
He could choose fire and cloud and deep darkness as His primary mode of appearance, but then love would not be the mode of relating to Him.
We would cower, we would look away, we would respond with fright.
God, Who is holy, does not want this.
He desires us to love Him.
To relate personally to Him according to the truth.
Grace and truth.

We no longer approach God at a mountain of fire.
We approach God in dusty sandals and a beard.
We relate to God personally, as followers, as friends, as much-loved children.
We love and obey Him not primarily because He says so, but primarily because He loves us and we love Him.
We can have a personal, life-changing relationship with the Almighty God.
Amazing grace!

Lord, I fear You with deep, tender fear. I approach You boldly not because I am good, but because You are good! I choose to obey because I love You!

One Comment

  1. Once again the law of the Lord for His people. Do this and live. Live and do this.

    But the people had a holy fear of the Lord just as Moses had an awesome fear at the burning bush. And the Lord heard their cry and gave them a go between – Moses – who would speak the very words of God to the people so that they would follow His ways forever. Christ is that go between for His people today.

    Moses spoke the very words of God so that the people would listen and obey.

    Christ spoke and lived the very word of God so that the people would listen and obey.

    Then as today – we the people – I – need to walk in the obedience to the Word of the Lord. I need to listen and obey for their is no other way. Christ Jesus has made it plain – just do this and live. Walk in the Word. Walk in the Way. I have given you all that you need to live forever. Just do it so that it will be well with your soul – for you and for your children. You are a living example to the next generation. Live it in the power of His name.

    Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, O Lord,
    Thy Word is a light to my way;
    It shines in my soul like a star by night,
    And comforts and cheers me by day.

    O wonderful, wonderful Word,
    My treasure, my hope, and my stay;
    Each promise recorded delights my soul,
    And brightens each step of my way.

    Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, O Lord,
    And, trusting in Thee as my all,
    Whatever of evil may cross my path,
    I never, no, never can fall.


    Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, O Lord,
    And oh, when Thy glory I see,
    For all the rich blessings its truth has brought,
    The praises will I give unto Thee.

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