the new me, set free

“Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit.” [Matthew 12:33].
Jesus pointed out that in order to change the fruit of a tree, you have to change the tree.
As long a the SOURCE is tainted, the FRUIT will be tainted.
As long as our primary identity is the sin nature, the FRUIT of our life will be sin.

Jesus’ death and resurrection has resulted in a change in our SOURCE.
Using the illustration of a marriage covenant, death nullifies the agreement.
Jesus’ death (and our death with Him) nullifies the relationship between us and the sin nature – it is not longer our primary identity.
At the center of our new being, the Spirit of God and Jesus now shapes and directs our lives.
Sure, the sin nature still lives in me, but that is not my primary identity.
Sure the law of sin and death wars against my mind to deny my new identity – but I am still free.
Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ, I am free from this body of death.
It is not who I am.
It’s there like virus, an alien presence that is no longer welcome; but as far as God is concerned, it’s not who I am.

Paul talks about how the law actually provokes the sinful nature. When that is the center of my being, then it doesn’t matter how many times I hear God’s will for my life, I cannot change.
The harder I try to fight sin myself, the more I reinforce it.
As long as my self-improvement is self-help, it will not work.
I cannot beat it myself.
Like the law of gravity, sin nature naturally pulls us down.
The only way we can overcome the law of (sin) gravity is to overcome it with another law, the laws of thrust and aerodynamics (the Spirit).
Like a airplane, it is able to overcome the law of gravity by another law.
Doesn’t matter how hard I flap my arms, I cannot fly; but harnessed to this external source of power, I can fly, I can change, I can be free.

Through Jesus, my SOURCE (tree) has been made good.
He is in me, therefore I am “good” in Him.
Through my union with Him, my sins have been punished, the sinful nature has been crucified.
I am free from sin as my master, Jesus is now my Master.
I have been empowered by His Spirit, I am with His help able to overcome the lingering effects of sin.

Who am I?
I am free, I am forgiven, I belong to Jesus, nothing can separate me from His love.
With the confidence and power I take on the law of sin and death still living in me.

Lord, I am forgiven, I am free. Thank You for this new identity in You!

One Comment

  1. “you also died to the law through the body of Christ, that you might belong to another, to him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God.”

    My purpose is to bear the fruit of God – the fruit of the Spirit in all I do and say. To do that I need His power. I need to be grafted into the vine to receive ‘nutrients’ each and every day. The branch not attached to the vine will die as will the tree not planted near the waters of life.

    For a plant to bear more fruit each year, it must let go and let God take control. The plant must die to produce seeds for new growth and produce abundant fruit – the yield. And so I too must let go of self control and let God control take charge. That is the only way I can bear fruit. As a child of the kingdom, He is in charge and He enables me to produce the fruit needed to honour and bless Him. To bear the fruit of God I must be engrafted into Him. Living for Jesus. To be happy is to serve Him. To be happy is to love Him. To be happy and to know it is to place Christ first in all things.

    As far as it depends upon me, I must live at peace with all mankind. Love God. Love man. That’s LIFE!

    Jesus my all in all,
    Jesus my all in all;
    How it would grieve Him if e’er I would leave Him,
    Jesus my all in all.

    Precious Redeemer from sin and from sorrow,
    Jesus my all in all;
    Jesus the same in the past and tomorrow,
    Jesus my all in all.


    Jesus Who died for my sins, precious Master!
    Jesus my all in all;
    Jesus my comfort in every disaster,
    Jesus my all in all.


    Jesus my wisdom and righteousness ever,
    Jesus my all in all;
    Jesus my holiness, failing me never,
    Jesus my all in all.

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