the only way to be righteous

“For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” [Matthew 5:20].
How do we do better than the Pharisees?
The answer – we don’t, we can’t.
The answer, Jesus helps us.
Paul is making the point that the Law does not make the Jews superior because they are now better people, but because it exposes their sin, and reveals their need for divine mercy and help.

Across the board, whether Jewish or not, people are guilty of rejecting and offending God.
The Jews were established as a light – not by their own perfection but by God’s truth revealed through them.
The blessing that they were to bring to the world was a consciousness of sin, and of our need for God’s mercy and help.
The Jews did not understand this.
They thought having and keeping the Law of Moses made them morally superior to the other nations.
They assumed that by observing the Law, they were more worthy of God’s love.

Yet Jesus teaches them and us that even the most holy, the most pure, the most obedience Jews (the Pharisees) are not pure enough.
Only Jesus is the righteousness of God, He is the only perfect human to ever live, to keep God’s law perfectly.
He does it for us because we can’t do it for Him.
This is the gift, the good news: those who cling to Jesus by faith are welcomed just as they are, as perfect in Him. By accepting Jesus, putting our faith in Him, we are joined to Him in His death, so that our guilt is punished in Him; we are joined to Him in His resurrection, so that our sin and death cursed lives are restored to life.

The purpose of the Law of Moses, as well as all of the Bible, is to show us our failure so that we seek God’s mercy and help. When we seek, we find. The Bible does not make us better than others, it keeps us honest, humble and serious about trusting in Jesus, boasting in Him and not in our own accomplishments.

From this I get the clear sense that I am not superior to ANYONE.
I am what I am by the grace of God [1 Corinthians 15:9-10].
There is no room for moral superiority over people of other faiths or no faith, for people who are supposedly less moral than me.
We all stand equally guilty and needy before God, and He freely offers Jesus to all, without partiality.
Jew, Gentile, German or Dutch, Native American or African American, Tamil or Sunni or Swahili or Iroquois.

Lord, keep me humble, honest, and confident in You. By faith alone…

One Comment

  1. 19 Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God. 20 Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.

    There is no one who is right in the yes of the Lord. All have sinned and fallen short of His glory. There is no difference among the people and all the people can only be redeemed through the blood of Christ Jesus. We are Hs children only through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. He has made true life a possibility for ALL who believe.

    That’s what we are. Kids of the Kingdom all around the world . . . red and yellow, black and white . . they are precious in His site. We are all members of the family only by faith in Christ Jesus our/my risen Lord.

    Help me this day to live for You Lord in the power of His Name – the Name above all names – Jesus Christ.

    Jesus loves the little children
    All the children of the world
    Black and yellow, red and white
    They’re all precious in His sight
    Jesus loves the little children of the world

    Whether you’re rich or whether you’re poor
    It matters not to Him
    He remembers where you’re going
    Not where you’ve been

    Jesus loves the little children
    All the children of the world
    Black and yellow, red and white
    They’re all precious in His sight
    Jesus loves the little children of the world

    If your heart is troubled
    Don’t worry, don’t you fret
    He knows that you have heard His call
    And he won’t forget

    Jesus loves the little children
    All the children of the world
    Black and yellow, red and white
    They’re all precious in His sight
    Jesus loves the little children of the world

    All around the world tonight
    His children rest assured
    That He will watch and He will keep us
    Safe and secure

    Jesus loves the little children
    All the children of the world
    Black and yellow, red and white
    They’re all precious in His sight
    Jesus loves the little children of the world

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