how God deals with evil

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 31
“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” [Matthew 24:12-13]
Although I do not like this chapter – people as plunder, kill the boys, save the virgins – in an odd way I see Jesus in this passage.
The mess of sin is our responsibility, but God does not abandon us to it.
He does not snap His fingers and end it all (He came close with the flood), but He ‘roles up His sleeves’ and digs in.
His love does not grow cold, but He stands firm with us to the end!

I do not like this chapter, I can only imagine what it must have been like to be a Midianite boy, or mother.
But then I think of what God sees, what God knows, all the horror and violence and cruelty and abuse and torture and misery that He sees, that He endures.
One thing for sure, He is not the source of this, we are.
We may be bothered by the fact that He works with it, but let us be bothered more by the fact that we cause it.
At least He is doing something about it.
At least He is paying a huge price to fix it.
At least His love did not grow cold, but stood firm by us even when we reject Him.

Why doesn’t God just end all sin and misery?
Why does He allow it to continue, even work with it?
The answer to this may be that this is the only way, the best way, to save us and the world, while working with us, allowing us to respond.
Of course we prefer God to help us by eliminating the consequences of sin, while forgiving us, giving us a clean slate.
But God cannot ignore evil.
He has to work with our sinful choices and consequences, in order to free us from them.

God in Christ enters this world.
His love does not grow cold because of the increase of wickedness.
Where sin increases, grace increases.
And Jesus urges us to follow the same path: Don’t quit, don’t give up, stand firm, step in, be the difference!

Once again, when it comes to difficult passages like this, I give God the benefit of the doubt.
We certainly haven’t proved ourselves worth trusting, while He has: “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God.” [John 3:19-21]

Lord, forgive me for doubting Your love. Thank You for Your amazing grace!


  1. Amazing grace how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.
    God loves all people.
    “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son son that whosoever believe in him should not parish but have eternal life. John 3:16”

  2. Once again, a difficult passage. Just some thoughts.

    War is not a respecter of people. It comes upon all. God’s justice also comes upon all.

    The people fought against the Midianites and it does not say that they themselves had casualties. The plunder was great but the miracle of it all was that God gave the victory. All is in His hands.

    God hates sin. He uses various means to eradicate sin to once again purify His people. Even the spoils of the war and those who fought needed to be purified. All is holy/wholly to the Lord. i can only be purified by the blood of Christ.

    Sin ravages peoples’ lives and the land. Once again I am reminded the waywardness of going astray, the devastation of going our own way and the cost of new beginnings in Christ Jesus.

    Thank You Lord.

    All to Jesus, I surrender,
    All to Him I freely give
    I will ever love & serve Him
    In His presence, daily live.

    I surrender all, I surrender all,
    All to Thee, my blessed Saviour, I surrender all

    All to Jesus, I surrender
    Humbly at his feet I bow,
    Worldly pleasures all forsaken
    Take me Jesus, take me now

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