nothing… without Him

SCRIPTURE: Numbers 14
Jesus said, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” [John 15:4-5].
I see several important lessons in today’s reading from Numbers.
I see the poisonous effect of negativity and despair, and how many people are hurt because of it.
I see how God holds these poison spreaders accountable (see Luke 17:1-2]
I see the consequences of doubting God, missing out on the blessings He wants to share with us.
I see the patient grace of God in not giving up on Israel, but allowing their children to still inherit the blessing, despite their own refusal to believe.
And I see the folly of trying to do things without God, to move ahead into His mission without Him.
Its doomed to fail!

I guess through it all, I see how much I need the Lord in order to experience the blessing I desperately seek.
The “fruit” of a blessed life (happiness, joy, peace, prosperity, health) is not attainable apart from God.
Everything I need is to be found in/with Him.
I’ve got to silence the doubts that Satan (and others) throw at me, I’ve got to trust and obey.
Like Joshua and Caleb I’ve got to hang on to the Lord, cling to Him, rely on Him, trust in Him.
We cannot take the promised land in our own strength.
We cannot find happiness or peace on our own.
Only in and with the Lord will we find the blessing we seek.

I believe this theoretically, but often the experiences of life lead me to doubt this.
I cling to things, to possessions, to my savings or investments, I trust in the economy or the government or my education or… whatever.
Satan, like the 10 spies, makes me dwell on the negative stuff.
To doubt, to question, to despair.
And the result, when I feed those negative thoughts, I end up wander in despair, hopelessness, disappointment.

Stop believing the lie.
Stay as close to Jesus as you can.
Rely on Him, trust in Him, speak to Him, imitate Him.
Apart from Him we can do NOTHING.
Sure, technically, that’s not true, we do lots of things without Him.
But know this, we can do nothing of lasting value or meaning.
We can’t ultimately succeed or find happiness.
All our dreams will one day run out.
Apart from Him, our hopes will be dashed.
With Him, all our (good) dreams will come true!

Lord, may I sense Your life, Your power, Your blessing flowing through Your vine into my branches. May I receive the promised blessing in You.

One Comment

  1. Walking in His SonShine is the only Way to live from day to day.

    God had lead the people with the cloud and the fire. Awesome. And they wanted their own way.

    God had said He would give them the land. They believed the majority report of the walled cities and not the story of their ‘walled’ tents since God was their God.

    Once again, I am reminded to see the presence of God each day and His faithfulness to me. The glory of the Lord appeared at the tent of meeting and the glory of the Lord continues to appear each day. Lord, give me the eyes that see You each day.

    The people did not mourn for their sin nor afterwards did they travel with the Lord because the ark of the covenant did not move out of the camp. They still trusted in their own power and were defeated. God was not with them.

    I need to walk with my risen Savior each day who will lead me and guide me along the way. Open my eyes Lord so that I may see You and open my ears Lord so that I may hear Your voice saying – this is the way. Walk in it.

    Lead on, O King eternal,
    The day of march has come;
    Henceforth in fields of conquest
    Thy tents shall be our home.
    Through days of preparation
    Thy grace has made us strong;
    And now, O King eternal,
    We lift our battle song.

    Lead on, O King eternal,
    Till sin’s fierce war shall cease,
    And holiness shall whisper
    The sweet amen of peace.
    For not with swords’ loud clashing,
    Nor roll of stirring drums;
    With deeds of love and mercy
    The heavenly kingdom comes.

    Lead on, O King eternal,
    We follow, not with fears,
    For gladness breaks like morning
    Where’er Thy face appears.
    Thy cross is lifted over us,
    We journey in its light;
    The crown awaits the conquest;
    Lead on, O God of might.

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