who’s in charge here?

There are two readings for today.

The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And he said to him, “I will give you all their authority and splendor; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.” [Luke 4:5-7]
So who is in charge here, how can Satan say that all the authority and splendor of the world kingdoms were given to him?
Psalm 8 reminds us how God originally set things up, referring all the way back to Genesis 1:26 when He put humanity in charge.
You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet. [Psalm 8:5-6]

But how then can Satan say that he holds authority over the nations?
The answer lies in what happened in Genesis 3.
When Adam and Eve listened to the devil, they made themselves his slaves.
They were entrusted with God’s authority on earth, and they gave it to Satan.
Technically, Satan is right, he controls those who are in charge of creation.

Jesus is being tempted the same way that Adam and Eve were, but He says no.
He comes as the new Adam, He defeats the devil, and He comes out on top.
Now because of His death and resurrection, all authority in heaven and on earth belong to Him, in other words He is in charge! [Matthew 28:18-20].
We do not see humanity in charge, because they forfeited it; but neither do we see Satan in charge, because Jesus beat him; we see Jesus in charge [see Hebrews 2:5-18].
Jesus became human (our brother), defeated the devil and set us free.
Now in Christ, Humanity is once again in charge, and we reign with Him.
Yes, He is seated in the heavenly realms and we are seated with Him [Ephesians 1:20, 2:6].

David was celebrating the majesty of God the King, and the delegated rule and reign of people on God’s behalf.
But it was not until Jesus came and defeated the devil that God’s kingdom was restored.
Now our job is to work with Him, and with God, in once again seeking His will on earth as it is in heaven – in every aspect of life.
This is how His kingdom, our kingdom, comes!

Lord, help me to see that Your kingdom – my kingdom in You – depends on me doing my part to live Your will. Help me to say NO to Satan, whenever he attempts to enslave me again.

One Comment

  1. God is in control. His name, His power, His presence is seen throughout. As it was in the beginning, it is now once again through the power of our Redeemer King. As small children openly praise their King so I too need to have the faith of the child and praise my Creator God whose presence is seen throughout if I only have the eyes to see. God has placed His people in charge – to have dominion. As first Adam did before the Fall so Your people today, I can today through the second Adam – Jesus Christ – bring all things of my daily life under Your control. All that I do must be living for Jesus.

    Oh Lord my God – how majestic is Your name in all the earth.

    Praise Him praise Him all ye little children God is love God is love
    Praise Him praise Him all ye little children God is love God is love

    Love Him love Him all ye little children God is love God is love
    Love Him love Him all ye little children God is love God is love

    Give Him love and glory give Him worthy praise
    Let us worship Jesus all of our days

    Serve Him serve Him all ye little children God is love God is love
    Serve Him serve Him all ye little children God is love God is love

    Let us worship Jesus

    Praise Him praise Him all ye little children God is love God is love
    Praise Him praise Him all ye little children God is love God is love

    God is love, God is love

    Read more at Praise Him, All Ye Little Children song

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