reason to rejoice

Jesus replied, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.’ [Luke 10:18-20]
As I read Psalm 9 with Jesus, He reminded me both of the great power and potential that I have in Him, as well as of my need for humility and confidence in Him.
In Psalm 9 David is telling us about how the Lord has helped Him against His enemies, yet he also remains humble and dependent on the Lord, not bragging about his victories or successes.
Even though the Lord has done great things for him, David recognizes his ongoing need for the Lord’s mercy and help.
And he knows that the Lord will be there!

Jesus also reminded His disciples once about getting to wrapped up in their successes, and forgetting their ongoing need for mercy and help.
They had just come back from a missionary trip and were amazed at how they had overcome demons.
Jesus confirms the great power at work in and through them, but then cautions them to humility.

Do not rejoice because of the power encounters, rejoice because of Lord’s mercy and love.
Rejoice that the Lord has chosen to work in and through you.
Don’t get so wrapped up in the great works that we lose sight of the Great Worker, and our position in Him.
If we focus on the great works, what will we do when the works do not occur in the same way?
The ‘glory stories’ are great, but what happens when a miracle does not occur as we hoped?
Are we still confident in our position, even when Satan seems to gain the upper hand?

As a Jesus-follower, energized by the Spirit of Jesus, I have great power and potential at work in me.
But my focus needs to be on my relationship to Jesus, and not on the manifestations of power.
Too many disciples and leaders get side-tracked, wrapped up in what they see and experience.
Many a church leader has fallen after being distracted by the success of buildings, programs, numbers, campaigns.
Jesus says to me, do not rejoice in these things; rejoice that I am in Him and that He is in me.
This is true whether or not the buildings, programs, numbers and campaigns are successful or not!

Lord, I praise You with all my heart for all Your wonders! But more than that, I rejoice in You, enthroned over all, and my position in You!


  1. Once again I am reminded that I must tell His story and all what He has done. Rejoice and be glad and sing.

    Our Lord God reigns. He is the Refuge for His people and a Stronghold. He has never, no never forsaken those who put their trust in Him. Although the wicked plot against against His people, they get caught up in their evil ways. Their ways entangle them. Their ways is the death of them because they made themselves gods instead of serving the One and only God. Their god was in their stomach.

    Our God reigns. My God reigns. He remembers His people and He will answer. He is eternal. Man’s ways are but for today, but my God reigns forever and ever. Everlasting is His name.

    Help me to go forward this day Lord in that power. Today, God(MY GOD) Is First! GodStrong am I.

    How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him
    Who brings good news, good news;
    Announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness:
    Our God reigns, our God reigns!

    Our God reigns!
    Our God reigns!
    Our God reigns!
    Our God reigns!

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