the good life

There are two readings for today.

But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. [Matthew 13:23]
What is the difference between a good life and a bad life?
The good life is like a flourishing, fruitful tree, or a bountiful harvest.
The good life produces good things in abundance – not right away but more and more.
And the key to that good life is both the soil and the seed.

Psalm 1 describes the life of those who are devoted to living the God way.
Their hearts are like soil by the river, and they become fruitful trees.
Jesus compares them to good soil, receptive to the seed (the Word, the Law of God).
The key in both parables is the input (seed) and the receptacle (soil).
Everyone has access to the good seed, but not everyone accepts it.

To delight in God’s message, to embrace God’s truth.
To allow it to have its way in us, to grow and develop until it produces fruit.
This is not a one-time thing, it is an ongoing process (like the growth of a seed).
And it includes God’s care (the nourishing water of the Spirit) and our effort (the avoiding of evil influences).
Growing in the good life (or the God life) is a partnership between God and us, He does His part providing the seed and the nourishment, but we have to do our part too.

Living towards the good life requires devotion and determination, as well as discernment.
Don’t think it will come easy or naturally – often going the wrong way is easier.
But the advantage of going God’s way, working (with God) to live a good life, is that He watches over us, He nourishes us, He guarantees the result.
If we willingly receive His seed, He will take care of the harvest – That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers. [Psalm 1:3]

Lord, following You and Your teaching is hard, but it is good. With Your help I can slowly but surely move towards it, and experience the harvest it produces!

One Comment

  1. This Psalm was recited by the K class of 19 students this past week in chapel with their actions. Delightful.

    It is also God’s delight when His child lives for Jesus. His walk is in His SonShine. His way is His way. His Friends are His friends. His Guide is His Word and that Word guides his daily living for Him. All for Him. Just like the Judges I’m reading about in the O.T. – then there is peace – because they are not blown away with all kinds of desires, whims, self-interests, temptations. Serve the Lord with heart soul and mind and strength..

    Praise Him praise Him all ye little children God is love God is love
    Praise Him praise Him all ye little children God is love God is love

    Love Him love Him all ye little children God is love God is love
    Love Him love Him all ye little children God is love God is love

    Give Him love and glory give Him worthy praise
    Let us worship Jesus all of our days

    Serve Him serve Him all ye little children God is love God is love
    Serve Him serve Him all ye little children God is love God is love

    Let us worship Jesus

    Praise Him praise Him all ye little children God is love God is love
    Praise Him praise Him all ye little children God is love God is love

    God is love, God is love

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