I do not condemn you

SCRIPTURE: Leviticus 20
He said to them, ‘If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.’ [John 8:7]
As I read this chapter, I think about the time when Jesus was asked about whether the adulterous woman should be stoned [John 8:2-11].
According to this chapter, this woman and the man with her were to be put to death [Leviticus 20:10].
The fact that the man was not also presented (they were caught, afterall), shows the hypocrisy and double standard the Jewish leaders were working with.

But aside from this, we also see that Jesus introduces a new reality.
The Law of Moses was put in effect UNTIL the messiah should come [Galatians 3:23-25].
It was a strict, disciplinary code put in place to restrain sin and protect people from themselves.
But it could not save them.

The sins mentioned here are serious, more serious than we realize.
All sin is.
It ruins individuals, communities and families.
The land itself is corrupted by it, and eventually vomits the sickness out [Leviticus 20:22].
If we really knew how dangerous and destructive sin was, we would flee from it.
But instead we often embrace it, excuse it or deny it.

The death penalty (stoning, burning) seems harsh, and I could not take part in it, it would horrify me.
But despite this, it does impress on me that maybe we do not see sin and immorality as bad as it really is.

In the end, these two stories impress on me the horror of sin and the wonder of grace.
As ugly and awful as our sin is, to hear the voice of Jesus say to us, ‘neither do I condemn you, go now and leave your life of sin’ sums up the whole message of hope.
Sin is really bad, but God’s grace is better.
Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more [Romans 5:20-21]!

Lord, my sin is bad, but You are awesome, wonderful gracious. I stand before you like this sinful woman, and you say, ‘I do not condemn you, go and sin no more!’

One Comment

  1. Parents offering their children to Molek. We would never do that. Or would we?

    What do we teach our children? How do we teach them to walk in the way of the Lord? What example of living for Jesus am I modeling? And if not, then am I not also offering my child to Molek? What an great responsibility parents have.

    The passage once again reminds me, since these laws are repeated, that we/I have been set apart. That is repeated in the reading of today. And how do I show by my daily living that I am set apart? How do I live a life worthy to be called Christian – a follower of Christ Jesus. By walking in His way by His grace. By doing His will and living His will in my life each day. By immersing myself in His Word and applying that word for the day. That’s a tall order.

    But He has promised – You will possess . . . I will give . . you are holy . . .you are set apart . . .you are My own.

    His Word needs to be upon my heart and others need to see that I am His . . . a Christ follower. His Champion.

    And by His grace, that is a possibility.

    “Follow Me,” the Master said;
    We will follow Jesus:
    By His Word and Spirit led,
    We will follow Jesus.
    Still for us He lives to plead,
    At the throne doth intercede,
    Offers help in time of need:
    We will follow Jesus.

    Should the world and sin oppose,
    We will follow Jesus:
    He is greater than our foes,
    We will follow Jesus.
    On His promise we depend;
    He will succor and defend,
    Help and keep us to the end:
    We will follow Jesus.

    Tho’ the way may dark appear,
    We will follow Jesus:
    He will make our pathway clear,
    We will follow Jesus.
    In our daily round of care,
    As we plead with God in prayer,
    With the cross which we must bear,
    We will follow Jesus.

    Ever keep the end in view;
    We will follow Jesus:
    All His promises are true:
    We will follow Jesus.
    When this earthly course is run,
    And the Master says, “Well done!”
    Life eternal we’ll have won!
    We will follow Jesus.

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