the only way

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’ [John 14:6]
The Jesus movement was known as the Way [Acts 19:9, 23].
But the movement is not the way, Jesus is.
The disciples in Ephesus were heading the right way, but not yet introduced to Jesus as The Way.
The seven sons of Sceva knew about the way, but they did not know Jesus personally – as they found out the hard way.
And if Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, what about Artemis?
Do all paths lead to God, is the religion of Artemis another way?

The claims of Jesus are exclusive.
Both Artemis and Jesus cannot be the way, the truth and the life.
The followers of Artemis recognized this, and chanted ‘great is Artemis of the Ephesians’ against the God of the Jews and the God of the Christians.
They too had an exclusive understanding of the way.

All the world religions (including Christianity) are man-made attempts to describe the way to God.
But no religion (including Christianity) is the way; Jesus is the way. Jesus, and the Name of Jesus, transcends every world religion and philosophy.
Knowing Jesus, following Jesus, serving Jesus, these are the way, the truth, the life.

I include Christianity in this because for many the organized system has replaced a personal relationship with Jesus.
They have a form of baptism, they have a form of religious practice, they even use the name of Jesus (like the sons of Sceva), but they do not know Jesus.
When we hear about violence and immorality associated with Christians, we need to separate them from Jesus.
This is not His way, they are not walking in His way.

I do not mean to point to specific people, or churches.
It is enough for me to realize that I can also be guilty of having the form of religion but not the power, of knowing the system but not the Saviour.
My motives may be different from the sons of Sceva, but I sometimes wonder whether I am simply using the name of Jesus, but not actually living in/with/for Him.

A good reminder to me that there is only one true way to life, and that is Jesus.
Once again I choose to move towards Him, and live for Him. ‘Great is Jesus of the Universe!’

Lord, show me how to love You more. May I be as inspired and passionate about knowing and serving You, as the followers of Artemis were.

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