the Spirit behind the word

But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. [Matthew 10:19-20]
Paul and Barnabas discover the power of the Spirit through their words.
They also discover the power of the enemy in words.
Their words bring life and hope and healing, but the words of their opponents bring violence.

The Spirit enables Paul to speak effectively [see 1 Corinthians 2:1-5].
It was so powerful, the citizens of Lystra thought they were gods.
The Spirit’s power is also seen in the many conversions, the encouragement of new disciples, the miracles that supported their message, and in how Paul survives the stoning.
This is a resurrection miracle; how could any just get up and walk away after being stoned?

We also see the power of the enemy spirit in the words of their opponents.
The Jews poison the minds of people in Iconium and Lystra.
In both cases, Satan effectively uses the words of his servants to resist the message of the kingdom.
Paul makes it clear that even though we are Spirit-empowered in our witness to the King, we must still go through hardships to enter the kingdom.
Jesus says the same thing to His disciples in Matthew 10.

But at the end of the day, as we make ourselves available to the Lord, great things happen.
When the Spirit is speaking, our words become effective, whether what we say is received or rejected.
When Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch to report on their first missionary journey, they celebrate the good stuff.
Sure there was danger and violence and hardship, but the Spirit showed up, many people were converted, and now there are communities of Jesus-followers spread out in the region.
Praise God!

We often worry too much about what to say.
We hesitate to say anything because people might respond negatively.
Let this passage inspire us to speak boldly, confident in the power of the Spirit through our weak, faltering words.
Confident that the King is on the throne, the kingdom is coming, and the enemy – though strong – is overcome!
Let us start exercising the kind of faith that looses our lips, that speaks confidently for Jesus!

Lord, remind me that You are in me, and that You are working through me by Your Spirit. Make me bold, make me effective for You!

One Comment

  1. The Spirit was at work through Paul and Barnabas by enabling them to preaching boldly but also enabling them to do signs and wonders. God’s Word requires a choice and the people were divided. God’s Word demands action and some actions impacted the Proclaimers so that they had to leave. But God was/is our shelter in the storm – our Hiding Place and He will make it plain what needs to be done. Proclaim the Good News elsewhere.

    As His Messengers, they had a great following but they gave honor and praise to Whom honour was due. All too often we give lip service to God for our success – see what my hands have done – rather saying see what God has done. He gets all the glory!

    Once more by this passage I am reminded to tell the story what the Lord God has done through me – God’s goodness – God’s grace – God’s power – God’s majesty. HisStory needs to be told and retold by His people and His people need to meet together and encourage one another. God at work through His people. GodStrong!

    1. Not what my hands have done
    Can save my guilty soul;
    Not what my toiling flesh has borne
    Can make my spirit whole.
    Not what I feel or do
    Can give me peace with God;
    Not all my prayers,
    And sighs and tears
    Can bear my awful load.

    2. Thy work alone, O Christ,
    Can ease this weight of sin
    Thy blood alone O Lamb of God,
    Can give me peace within.
    Thy love to me O God,
    Not mine, O Lord, to Thee
    Can rid me of
    This dark unrest,
    And set my spirit free!

    3. Thy grace alone, O God,
    To me can pardon speak;
    Thy power alone O Son of God,
    Can this sore bondage break.
    No other work, save Thine,
    No other blood will do,
    No strength save that,
    Which is divine,
    Can bear me safely through.

    4. I bless the Christ of God;
    I rest on love divine;
    And with unfaltering lip and heart,
    I call this Savior mine.
    His cross dispels each doubt,
    I bury in His tomb
    My unbelief,
    And all my fear,
    Each lingering shade of gloom.

    5. I praise the God of grace,
    I trust His truth and might
    He calls me His, I call Him mine,
    My God, my joy, my light
    ’Tis He Who saveth me,
    And freely pardon gives
    I love because
    He loveth me,
    I live because He lives!

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