the Spirit moves

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. [John 3:8]
In our home we have a carbon monoxide detector, an alarm that can detect this odourless, colourless gas.
It can be deadly, yet no one knows that it is doing its deadly work.
So it is with the Spirit.

Invisible, imperceptible, the Spirit moves.
And Saul is converted, and Tabitha is raised, and the church is strengthened, and Saul witnesses powerfully, and many people believe in the Lord.
Like carbon monoxide, the Spirit moves with deadly accuracy, destroying the devil’s work, accomplishing God’s purpose.

Those who are with Saul have no idea what is going on, they hear the sound but see nothing.
Yet what they do see is enough: Saul blinded, changed, humbled, converted.
He has just been born of the Spirit.

Faith is like a carbon monoxide detector, it is our way of detecting that God is up to something.
We sense, we perceive, that God is at work behind the scenes, even if no one else sees it.
Persecution? the Spirit is working.
Financial upheaval and uncertainty? the Spirit is moving.
We are not sure where it comes from and where it is going, but we know it’s there.

I wonder, if we could see daily life through eyes of faith, we would see more and more evidence of God at work.
Do we see a difficult boss through eyes of faith, or eyes of self-concern, how it affects me.
What if, instead of praying for the defeat of our opponents, we would pray for their conversion, like Paul.
Imagine if we prayed for Henry Morgentaler.

The church (community of Jesus-followers) described here is experiencing dramatic impact on the surrounding community.
This is not because they are following the right programs or leaders but because the Spirit is moving in and through them, even beyond them.
The Spirit is moving, we just need to be available (like Ananias) when He calls us.
Where is the Spirit blowing around me today?
Around you?
Will I join Him with eyes of faith and look at every situation as pregnant with Spirit potential.
Nothing is impossible when God is involved.
Pray for a big spiritual windstorm, as happened here to Saul.
And then, wait and see, see what the Lord will do.

Lord, open my eyes to see Your Spirit at work all around me!

One Comment

  1. Do I hear His voice?

    Saul knew and those who were with him heard but didn’t see. Saul’s ears were opened and his eyes were opened and he knew. God revealed his Way for him.

    Ananias was also called by God and His way was revealed to him. Talk to Saul.

    God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. He still does that today, but do I have the ears to hear? His Spirit was at work and still is at work. Do I have the eyes that see and the ears that hear? SpiritPower then and now.

    God gives His people strength – preaching, healing, being encouraged and prodded, praying, etc.

    God enables me today and as He told His champions then and now – Be Strong.

    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

    Break me, melt me, mold me fill me
    Spirit of the living God
    Fall fresh on me

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