a better covenant

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 29
Jesus replied, ‘If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.’ [John 14:23]
If you are like me, you found Exodus 29 hard to read.
So much blood, ceremony, fire and sacrifice.
Knowing how sensitive I am to blood and killing animals, I could never be a priest.
It seems that the whole point of the chapter moves to the end, where God says these are the steps necessary so that God can dwell among His people.
Somehow, their sin needs to be dealt with.
The curse of sin is death.
The animals are intended to show that, to show the people how serious sin is.

Reading about the death of Jesus, which the gospels also present in great and gory detail, leaves us feeling how serious sin is.
But with the death of Jesus, something new has come.
Whereas the old covenant priests had to repeat their sacrifices daily, regularly, annually, Jesus death is once for all.
No more sacrifices or ceremonies required [Hebrews 7:27].

Compare what we read in Exodus 29 with what we read in John 14:23.
Love God, obey Him, and He and Jesus will make their home in us, with us.
What a huge difference!
To me it shows that God is not interested in blood or death or suffering, He wants fellowship with us.
God wants to love us and be loved by us.
God wants us to experience the fullness of life and joy by living in, with and for Him.

I am so thankful that Jesus has come and fulfilled the old covenant symbols, ceremonies and sacrifices.
No doubt there was good reason why God did things the way He did.
But for me, personally, I find the new covenant in Jesus so much easier to live in than the old covenant.
It’s not that my relationship with God is any less serious – by no means!
Jesus had to suffer and die for me, a horrible death and separation from God.

The focus for me is on being loved by God, and loving God.
The focus is on relationship, not ritual.
It’s not about religious ceremonies or sacrifices, it’s about offering my heart, my life, to Him Who gave His life for me.

Lord, thank You for Your sacrifice and the new relationship I can have with You and God. My heart is Your home!

One Comment

  1. Always in His presence. A continual sacrifice. And they were dressed with special garments.

    How do I dress myself each day? Hw do I clothe myself so that I too show that I am in His presence always? The fruit of the Spirit? The armor of God?

    The lamb was offered morning and afternoon. Jesus Christ is that lamb – once and for all. However our times with God must be at all time like the priests for they were in His presence daily. My devotion must also be daily and throughout the day. All for Jesus.

    All for Jesus, all for Jesus!
    All my being’s ransomed powers:
    All my thoughts and words and doings,
    All my days and all my hours.

    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours;
    All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
    All my days and all my hours.

    Let my hands perform His bidding,
    Let my feet run in His ways;
    Let my eyes see Jesus only,
    Let my lips speak forth His praise.


    Worldlings prize their gems of beauty,
    Cling to gilded toys of dust,
    Boast of wealth and fame and pleasure;
    Only Jesus will I trust.


    Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus,
    I’ve lost sight of all beside;
    So enchained my spirit’s vision,
    Looking at the Crucified.


    Oh, what wonder! how amazing!
    Jesus, glorious King of kings,
    Deigns to call me His belovèd,
    Lets me rest beneath His wings.

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