the light is on, He’s waiting

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 27
Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. [John 3:20].
Imagine someone designing an x-ray that would expose all our inner thoughts, feelings and secrets.
Would you step behind that x-ray, and allow your heart to be revealed?
Would you even want to see it for yourself?

The tabernacle is a symbol of our inner relationship with God.
We are His temple, He lives in us, our heart is an altar and God’s light (the Spirit) is shining within us.
The lampstand was to shine for the entire night.
Those seeing the tabernacle by night would see the glow of the candlelight breaking through the otherwise dark sky (no street lights).
A reminder of the light and grace of God among them!

Sacrifices were regularly offered on the altar to express sorrow for sin, gratitude for grace and love for God (burnt offerings, thank offerings, fellowship offerings).
The priests presented these offerings to God on behalf of the Israelites.
Today, Jesus is the high priest.
As we come to Him, opening our hearts to Him, we present ourselves to Him with heart, soul, mind and strength, as a living sacrifice, our spiritual act of worship. [Romans 12:1-12].

And as we do this, the light of His Spirit works within us, exposing areas of sin and strengthening areas of weakness.
It is not always a pleasant thing to open our feelings, thoughts or secrets to God, but unless we do, we will remain in bondage, in the darkness.

The light is always on in God’s house, always an invitation to come to Him and find healing, forgiveness and strength.
So the question is, why do we no meet with Him like this more often?
Why do we resist stepping into the light?
What are we afraid of, what are we avoiding?

Our time with God needs to be very specific – a set time, a set place, an open dialogue, a listening spirit.
With pen and paper in hand, we listen, we learn, we love, we grow.
The light shines, and we get brighter!
Unless we avoid the light, then we stay in the dark.

The light is on in God’s house.
He is waiting for you.
Will you meet with Him?

Lord, I am guilty of avoiding or neglecting time with You. You are in my heart, waiting for me with the light. Here I come…

One Comment

  1. Emmanuel. God with us.

    The tabernacle was set. Here is the description of the courtyard, the place where the sacrifices, the services of and for the people happened. Here is where the people came to commune with Him.

    There the lamps were kept burning for it is the Lord God who gives light – not only when He created the world, not only for each day, but also for His people to live for Him. They came into His presence, obeying His Word and were filled with His Light – renewed, refreshed.

    I too must come into His presence daily to receive that Light so that I can be a light for Him in all I do and say, LightShine!

    This little light of mine
    I’m going to let it shine.
    This little light of mine
    I’m going to let it shine.-
    Let it shine, let it shine
    Let it shine.

    – Hide it under a bushel, NO!
    – Shine all over (your town)
    – Don’t let Satan blow it out
    – Let it shine ’til Jesus comes

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