glowing with God

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 24
As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendour, talking with Jesus. [Luke 9:29-31]
Jesus has a similar mountaintop experience as Moses, but there is something greater about Jesus.
Moses spent time with God, and his face glowed as a result [Exodus 34:33-35].
Elijah was caught up to heaven by glorious chariots of fire [2 Kings 2:11].
Now they appear with Jesus, also in the “consuming fire” of God.
But God endorses Jesus, not Moses or Elijah: this is My Son, listen to Him!

God is so powerful, so magnificent, He dwells in unapproachable light [1 Timothy 6:16].
How do we approach an unapproachable God? How could the Israelites approach Him?
The sacrifices they offered were symbolic: of the fact that they should have died, but instead that they enjoyed fellowship with God through the sprinkled blood of the sacrifices.

God is invisible and unapproachable, a consuming fire.
It’s hard to have a fellowship or a relationship with a consuming fire.
But thankfully, the God Who is consuming fire has become approachable.
He has made Himself visible.
In Jesus, we see the invisible God, we approach the unapproachable God.
Peter understands that Jesus is God, but He misunderstands God’s intent.
Normally people build a shrine around their God to protect the people from God, and to control access to Him.
But in Jesus, God’s intention is to veil His glory and become visible, approachable.
Now everyone can see God, now everyone can approach God.
He is not separated from us in a shrine, He lives with us in the middle of life.

God is still a consuming fire [Hebrews 12:28-29], but now, through Jesus, we may approach Him with confidence, having been sprinkled by His blood (His death makes fellowship with God possible for us) [Hebrews 10:19-22].
And now, with Jesus, we too experience and reflect the glory of God through the Holy Spirit in us [2 Corinthians 3:18].

Lord, thank You that I do not need to go up a mountain to meet with You. Thank You that You now live in me, and Your glory shines through me!

One Comment

  1. And the people responded, “We will do everything the Lord has said; we will obey.” The people responded in unity. What a community! Truly, a people, a nation, living for Jesus. May His people today – Christian by name – also strive for that unity and community – to obey the loving God.

    74 people went up and saw the God of Israel. They saw God and ate and drank in His presence. That is true community – to be in the presence of the living God and to eat – commune – in His presence. Wow! What an experience! And all His people will have that experience and can have that experience also today. God is with us. Emmanuel. Christ has come and has given His Spirit to dwell among us. I too eat and drink and have my being in His presence each day. What a Savior! What a privilege.

    May His glory also shine through be. May I also be radiant for Christ that others can see Christ living in me. Shine Jesus Shine.
    Lord the Light or Your Love is shining,
    In the midst of the darkness shining,
    Jesus light of the world shine upon us,
    Set us free by the truth You now bring us,
    Shine on me. Shine on me.

    Shine Jesus shine
    Fill this land with the Father’s glory
    Blaze, Spirit blaze,
    Set our hearts on fire
    Flow, river flow
    Flood the nations with grace and mercy
    Send forth Your word
    Lord and let there be light.

    Lord I come to Your awesome presence,
    From the shadows into Your radiance,
    By the blood I may enter Your brightness,
    Search me, try me, consume all my darkness,
    Shine on me. Shine on me.

    As we gaze on Your kindly brightness.
    So our faces display Your likeness.
    Ever changing from glory to glory,
    Mirrored here may our lives tell Your story.
    Shine on me. Shine on me.

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