my hands in His!

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 17
(Read my reflection from 2009)
When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword. [Exodus 17:12-13]
Here we see the hands of Joshua in battle, the hands of Moses in prayer, and the hands of Aaron and Hur in support.
But we also see the hands of God, at work on behalf of His children.
Providing food and drink in the wilderness, and providing strength and victory in conflict.
They are putting their hands in the hands of the One Who parted the water.

I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one. (John 10:28-30)
Jesus here promises that the hands of God will continue to hold and help those who trust in Him.
He goes even further, declaring Himself to being the hand of God on earth, to being one with God.
No one will snatch us out of Jesus hands, no one can snatch us from the Father’s hands.
Followers of Jesus entrust themselves through the wilderness of this world into the hands of God.
They are putting their hands in the hands of the One Who stilled the water.

Because the hands of God are invisible to us, it takes a step of faith to do this.
Like Moses, we reach out with determination and/or desperation.
Also like Moses, when we get tired, we rely on others to help us hang on by faith.
Like Joshua, we take on life’s battles as best we can, leaving the outcome in God’s hands.
And through it all, we cling to Jesus promise through all our struggles, ‘no one can snatch us from God’s hands!’
Lift up your hands to the Lord, for you are secure in His hands.

PRAYER: Lord, as I enter the new year with opportunities and challenges, I put my hands – all that I am, have and do -in Yours, and will trust You to provide and protect me on my way.

One Comment

  1. ‘He leadeth me.’

    The people traveled where God told them. They relied on Him and yet . . . They traveled in His Light yet complained when it didn’t go their way. Trust and obey? When? Only when all goes my way? And God shows them a miracle and water comes forth from the most unlikely place. Rocks! They were blind to God’s leading. Am I as I live each day for Him?

    In the battle against the Amalekites we see Joshua battling, Moses lifting high his hands and Aaron and Hur supporting Moses’ arms. In my daily living I too must pray and be part of the body of Christ which also prays. Work and pray. Not in isolation but in community, knowing that at all times, it is the Lord God Who gives the victory.

    Throughout this new year Lord may I continually keep my hand in Yours as You lead me and guide me throughout 2012. Help me in my walk with the risen Savior.

    Not what these hands have done
    can save this guilty soul,
    not what this toiling flesh has borne
    can make my spirit whole.

    Not what I feel or do
    can give me peace with God;
    not all my prayers, and sighs, and tears
    can bear my aweful load.

    Thy work alone, O Christ,
    can ease this weight of sin;
    Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God,
    can give me peace within.

    Thy love to me, O God,
    not mine, O Lord, to Thee,
    can rid me of this dark unrest,
    and set my spirit free.

    Thy grace alone, O God,
    to me can pardon speak;
    Thy power alone, O Son of God,
    can this sore bondage break.

    I bless the Christ of God,
    I rest on love divine,
    and with unfaltering lip and heart,
    I call this Saviour mine.

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