homeward bound

SCRIPTURE: Exodus 15
(Read my reflection from 2008)
In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. [Exodus 15:13]
The underlying story of the bible is how God is rescuing His family and restoring His creation.
All people are called and welcomed to come back to God, and those who respond will be rescued.
The rescue process is not an easy one, we must pass through the valley’s and crises of this world.
But His love will keep us secure, and He will lead them in His strength, He will guide them home.
The story of the Red Sea is an important example of this, but it happens all the time.
All God and Jesus-followers pass through the crisis of this world as they are led home.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. [John 14:1-3]
Jesus encourages us to trust in Him, and God, that they will lead and guide us through this world.
Your crisis will not be the same as mine, and my journey will not be the same as yours.
But the underlying story remains the same for all of us – His love will lead us home!

I cannot compare my journey through life with others; but this is my path, and I must walk it.
I am being tested and tempted just like everyone else, and I need to walk the path He has set before me.
Like everyone else, I can know that the Lord loves me, and is leading and guiding me on the way.
As my Father He is over me; as my Lord and Saviour, He is with me; as my Comforter, He is in me.
I am surrounded, I am secure, my destination is certain, He will bring me there.
But still I must pass through this valley, I must persevere through this trial.
But as Israel and Moses discovered, in His time and way He will step in and help.
He has promised, and He is faithful, He will lead me home!

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. [Psalm 23:3-4]
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. [Psalm 23:5-6]
As I stand on the threshold of a new year, I can trust that He will lead me through, He will lead me home.
And along the way His goodness and mercy will follow me, every day along the way.

Lord, as I anticipate and prepare for the coming year, and the new paths You are leading me on, I renew my trust in You! You are with me, You love me, You will lead me home!

One Comment

  1. A good read this morning as this passage is fitting for the last day of 2011. It describes what the Lord God did for His people by this song. They were pursued but not overcome. God’s right hand was with them. The Lord God was their strength and song. He was their God and they praised Him.

    Throughout this past year, the Lord my God was and still is my strength and my song and I will continue to praise Him. He has blessed me on my way and made me His champion -seeing His power and goodness and might and presence and purpose throughout 2011. And I will continue to praise Him as I stand on the threshold of a new year for He will continue to guide me as I travel with Him throughout 2012. Open my eyes Lord that I will always see You and open my ears Lord that I will always hear Your voice. Be my strength and shield as we journey 2012 together. Nowhere am I safer than with my hand placed in Yours. Lead me. Guide me. Make me GodStrong.

    I Will Sing Unto the Lord For He Has Triumphed Gloriously
    The Horse and Rider Thrown into the Sea
    I Will Sing Unto the Lord For He Has Triumphed Gloriously
    The Horse and Rider Thrown into the Sea

    The Lord, My God, My Strength My Song
    Has Now Become My Victory
    The Lord, My God, My Strength My Song
    Has Now Become My Victory

    The Lord is God and I will praise Him
    My Fathers God and I will E-x-a-l-t Him
    The Lord is God and I will praise Him
    My Fathers God and I will Exalt Him!

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