backed by Spirit power!

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 10
(Read my reflection from 2008)
But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you. [Matthew 10:19]
Jesus sends out His disciples as His representatives.
They are to declare and to demonstrate the good news of God’s coming kingdom.
God’s kingdom is the world as it should be: where sickness is eradicated, war is ended, demons are defeated, sin is overcome, immorality and inequality and injustice ended.
We are to announce that this is what Jesus is doing in the world, and we need to demonstrate it with our actions.
As you can imagine, not everyone is happy with this, especially those who benefit from this sinful world order.

This is why Jesus warns His followers that they too will be accused and attacked.
They will be treated like their Master, and the result of their message will not be peace and harmony at first, but turmoil and hardship.
But they (we) are to persevere, to continue to declare and demonstrate God’s better way, even when it provokes a negative response.
This is why many christians throughout history have been the voice of justice and morality and compassion and freedom.
Even though we are working against the sinful world order, we can be confident that the King of the Universe stands behind us, and that His kingdom will come, one day!

To declare with words and demonstrate with actions how God’s world operates.
When we live this way, Jesus’ Spirit backs us up, speaking and acting through us.
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on human wisdom, but on God’s power. [1 Corinthians 2:4-5]
This ought to encourage and inspire us as we live and serve and speak for Jesus.

I believe we need to see ourselves as called and sent like the original disciples.
Our calling now extends to the Gentiles (i.e. all nations), but it is essentially the same.
As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. [Matthew 10:7-8]
We have the Spirit backing and power to declare and demonstrate God’s kingdom too.
Yes, even to heal and to stand up to demons, if the Lord so chooses.
I have been a part of healing ministry, praying for the sick and seeing some healed.
I’ve also prayed and some have not been healed, though God answered in other ways.
I am daily called to live for justice and morality and equality and compassion – to love and serve as Jesus my Master loved and served.
And sometimes I am asked to defend myself, to explain why I do what I do.
And the Spirit speaks, the Spirit works.
This is not just true for me as a minister, it is true for all of us as Jesus-followers!
Do you see yourself as called and sent like this?

Lord, to be Your follower is to be like You, to live and love and serve like You. Like You, I can be sure that Your Spirit will back me up, speaking and working through me!

One Comment

  1. Kids of the Kingdom – that’s who were are. We are called by the Father to be His messengers. His champions. His workers in His vineyard.

    As He gave His disciples all that they needed for their ministry so too Christ continues to give also today. We need to be His Proclaimers in all we do and say and He continues to equip His followers as He has promised. My name is Christian and others must be able to see Christ living in me by what I do and say in all areas of life. Thank You Lord for the gift of Your Spirit who encourages and guides us on our way. Living for Jesus a life that is true. Use me, Lord, use me as an instrument of your peace.

    Lord, Make us instruments of your peace,
    Where there is hatred, let your love increase
    Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
    Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
    When we are your instruments of peace.

    Where there is hatred, we will show his love
    Where there is injury, we will never judge
    Where there is striving, we will speak his peace
    To the millions crying for release,
    We will be his instruments of peace

    Lord, Make us instruments of your peace,
    Where there is hatred, let your love increase
    Lord, make us instruments of your peace,
    Walls of pride and prejudice shall cease
    When we are your instruments of peace.

    Where there is blindness, we will pray for sight
    where there is darkness, we will shine his light
    Where there is sadness, we will bear their grief
    To the millions crying for relief,
    We will be your instruments of peace.

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