worship or worry?

SCRIPTURE: Matthew 6
(Read my reflection from 2008)
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. [Matthew 6:24]
There seems to be two sections in this chapter, about worship and worry.
The first part deals with giving, praying and fasting, religious ways responses to God.
The second part deals with desperately seeking and grasping worldly wealth or advantage, fend of worry of scarcity or poverty.
Both worship and worry are related, they have to do with who (or what) we trust.
It is interesting to note that American money has the words ‘in God we trust’.
It is either an important reminder, an ironic joke, or both!

Jesus challenges religious piety that is just a show, to get peoples response, since that reveals that they ‘worship’ (value) peoples’ responses more than God.
Jesus challenges seeking money first, or the things money can buy, because this too is a form of worship – serving money as Master.
Whatever we value or seek, whatever drives us in life, this is the ‘god’ we worship.
If we run after clothes, or food, or reputation, or worldly success, or whatever else, these things become ‘god’s to us.

Worry is the act of fearing something because it is big or scary.
Think about what makes you worry the most, then ask yourself how that relates to God.
Do you trust God more than you fear that something, whatever it is?
What seems bigger to you, more worthy of your focus?
We can put the weight of our concern on the side of God, or on the side of our fears.
Either: “I know that poverty (sickness, etc.) is big, BUT God is bigger, I will trust Him”. Or “I know that God is big (sickness, etc.), BUT poverty is bigger, I am afraid of it!”
In the first statement, God is worshiped, in the second statement the hardship is.

We cannot do both.
Jesus urges us to put our faith in God, to trust in Him and His care, to live for Him and His purpose (His kingdom), no matter what happens in this world.
This is no guarantee that life will go easy, but in the end it will work out.
This is how Paul remains hopeful and content, no matter what the circumstances.
I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. [Philippians 4:11-13]
Are you a worshiper, or a worrier?
Am I?

Lord, it’s hard to answer this last question, because my life is fairly easy. I suspect that I am more of a worrier than a worshipper. Help me to trust You more!

One Comment

  1. The conclusion of the matter is this . . . live for Jesus!

    I can do this by my giving – giving of the resources given to me. I have been blessed and I need to be a blessing. The love of Christ must flow through me.

    Prayer is the one area that makes me nervous and yet it shouldn’t. Praying for the people in the presence of the people. What about the words I say? God knows my heart and sees all, so why worry. All is possible in Him and through Him. Just do it.

    At my age many ask do you have enough for retirement? But then one can’t retire from His service and God tells me that He will take care of all my needs. Why worry? I have God Who takes care of me each day – a God Who looks after all His creatures – from birds to me. Wow! I serve an awesome God. And He has my name engraved in the palm of His hand. I need to leave all up to Him and just do – live for Jesus.

    Help me on my way today Lord.

    All creatures of our God and King
    Lift up your voice and with us sing,
    Alleluia! Alleluia!
    Thou burning sun with golden beam,
    Thou silver moon with softer gleam!

    O praise Him! O praise Him!
    Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

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