oh my!!!

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 34
(Read my reflection from 2008)
Three days later, while all of them were still in pain, two of Jacob’s sons, Simeon and Levi, Dinah’s brothers, took their swords and attacked the unsuspecting city, killing every male. [Genesis 34:25]
Oh my…
This story is in the bible, does that make it good?
No, this bible story shows what God has to deal with.
We see rape, deception, murder and stealing, the very things God commands against.
Yet God does not give up on people, even when they fail.
He continues forward with His purpose, despite our weakness and folly.

(The Samaritans) there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” But Jesus turned and rebuked them. [Luke 9:53-55]
First we have Simeon and Levi, now we have James and John [also known as the sons of Thunder, and this is probably why, Mark 3:17].
Righteous indignation – they should not reject Jesus, they should not rape Dinah!
And then they become no better than those they accuse, allowing their violent passions to inflict violence on the guilty.
Yes, they are guilty, but so are we, and if the Lord treated us as we deserved, there would be a whole lot more fire from heaven coming down, and we’d be burned too.

Simeon, Levi, James, John, Norm, Tony, Linda, Bert, Christine… we all belong to that notorious group of sinners that the Lord is stuck working with.
And sometimes we need a good rebuke too!
But God does not give up, because He is determined to restore His kingdom, and to rescue His sinful people.
Jesus warns us about seeing the sin in others, but not in ourselves.
The bible tells the story of how a good God works through less than good people.
This is just one of many “oh my” stories that would make us shake our heads.
But if God had written one of our stories in the bible, one that we prefer not to think about, I am sure that we would all have an “oh my” story.

Thankfully, God is gracious and merciful, and allows us to be a part of His story!
Thankfully, the Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love. He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. [Psalm 103:8-10]

Lord, I know that when You look in my heart, You can also say “oh my”. Thank You for reminding me that we are all sinners, and thank You for gently rebuking me when I step out of line.

One Comment

  1. In the world and yet not of the world.

    There is a child’s song that I am reminded of as I read this passage once again:

    ‘Oh be careful little eyes what you see.’ All too often we are like Dinah and want to see the land around us. We too want to see what the world around us is doing. But all too often, we/I like Dinah or the children of Israel become enticed by what we see and it becomes a part of us. I adopt the ways of the world. It only takes a spark to get a fire going.

    And how great the fire. The brothers responded deceitfully. One wrong does not make another wrong a right. Two wrongs do not make a right. Jacob became afraid because he was living in this land among the peoples because of what the boys had done. But all too often we are no longer a special people living for our King. We blend in. We change our ways so that we are not noticed. We become comfortable. We become like the people around us.

    We were reminded of Reformation Day a few days ago – a return to the Word of the Lord. I need that reminder because I too live in a land where I need to stand up for Jesus and not blend in with the people of the land. I must stand up for Jesus and focus my eyes on Him.

    O be careful little eyes what you see

    O be careful little eyes what you see
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little eyes what you see

    O be careful little ears what you hear
    O be careful little ears what you hear
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little ears what you hear

    O be careful little hands what you do
    O be careful little hands what you do
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little hands what you do
    O be careful little feet where you go
    O be careful little feet where you go
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little feet where you go

    O be careful little mouth what you say
    O be careful little mouth what you say
    There’s a Father up above
    And He’s looking down in love
    So, be careful little mouth what you say

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