through the bible in three years

Wow, I did it, I can hardly believe it.
For the past three years I have kept up a blog journal on every chapter in the bible.
This has been part of my desire to help people experience Jesus through the bible, to hear His voice as they read and to choose each day to follow Him.
I know that some people have been trying to go through the readings with me.
My hope is that it has been a good experience for all of us, and above all that it has strengthened our relationship to Jesus.
One thing I wanted to highlight was how this was a communal effort.
Personally, I know myself well enough that I could not and would not have succeeded without the help of the Lord and other believers.
In particular I want to mention Tony Dekoter, a friend living in Haiti who has daily joined me in this bible reading journey, and kept me going when I would have quit.
It was because I knew that Tony (and a few others) would daily be checking for the reading that i persevered in it through the years.
Thanks Tony, you provided the accountability that I needed to see this journey through to the end…
The end, well not really, for now I am feeling compelled to start over again.
And with the encouragement of a few other LDN friends, the bible reading journey will continue.
Thanks to all who are partnering with me/with us in growing closer to the Lord through our daily time with Him in scripture.


  1. Thanks Norm so much for your blog! I often print it out and then use it for the family devotional reading after dinner. Once I even brought it with camping so we could have a miny sermon on Sunday.
    So many times it has spoken to the exact thing I was dealing with that day and comforted and guided me. God has spoken to me so many times through this blog and I thank you for being so consistent with it and keeping it up.
    Thank you so much! God’s Blessings 🙂

  2. I am in the office and threw a switch and viola – I am connected to the internet. Unfortunately the power in the office hasn’t been the greatest and that’s where my apartment internet is connected. (The office batteries caught fire this past weekend and therefore no power at night since no inverter.)

    Thanks for the journey Norm. It has been exciting, challenging, difficult, joyful, tearful, . . . but walking with Him is a journey in the joy of the Lord. We continue our walk with Him each day.

    I’m glad that He used a servant like you in keep people like me ontrack, digging through His Word and trying hard to apply it to my daily life. Thank you for your wisdom and insights and may He continue to use you as He has done in the past. Remain faithful. Who would have thought that your words have an influence not only locally where He planted you, but also globally. What an awesome God we serve!

    Tomorrow I may have power to be online again in the early morning hours. Otherwise, I read my GLO Bible 🙂

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