prayer that gets results

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 8
Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the earth; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake. [Revelation 8:3-5]
We see again the symbolic altar in the heavenly temple of God; now the angel offers the prayers of God’s people to Jesus on the altar.
The censer (a bowl for burning incense) scoops up the burning coals (which includes the prayers of God’s people) and hurls it on the earth.
In other words, the prayers of the people affect world events.Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” [Matthew 18:18-20]
Apparently what we do on earth has an affect on what happens in heaven, and as a result of that, things happens on earth.
In other words, God hears our prayers and acts based on them.
We are partners with God in what is happening here on earth.
This sounds scary, imagine how it might be used by people with self-serving interests.
But that’s the thing, this power is not released for self-serving interests.
Notice how Jesus’ presence and power are tied with those who gather in His Name.
Whatever we pray in Jesus’ Name, we will receive [John 14:13].
‘In His Name’ means in line with His Name, His purpose, His will, His glory.
It is something that He Himself is seeking, something that fits with the glory and grace of Who he is (represented by His Name).
Self-serving requests do not serve His glory or good, but our own.
But if we pray for things that will bless, help, benefit others, then He will act.
or if we pray for things that advance His kingdom and purpose, then He will act.
Of course, not when we demand it, but when it fits with His overall plan.

As we pray these things, we need to remember that…
(1) He will not bypass another persons’ freedom; as in Bruce Almighty (the movie), we cannot pray for someone to love us, that is their choice.
(2) What we pray for may not be the best thing (even if we think it is), and God may choose to do something better.
When He finds a better way, He is still hearing the heart of our prayer, it is a better way to give us what we are asking – His glory and the blessing of others.
God wants us to partner with Him, through our prayers and our participation.
Don’t just pray and go about your own business; pray and go about the His business.
And whatever we do, it will affect what is happening in God’s heavenly temple, and the angels will act based upon what we pray and do… in Jesus Name!

Lord, shape my heart to seek what You seek. Inspire me to pray in Your Name. And may I experience Your answers to my prayers, for Your glory and the blessing of others!

One Comment

  1. The seventh seal was opened and there seven angels standing before God with trumpets. And another angel came to offer incense and prayers for the people to God. And the angel took fire from the altar put it in the censor and hurled it to the earth. The prayers of the church do make a difference.

    The judgements have come and are still coming, but His people must watch and wait, work and pray for His kingdom to come in full. He is with His Church at all times and that Church must continue to do His will while these judgements are carried out. And a basic activity for the Church is to pray for His reign to come and in the meantime – work and pray and He will give His people strength amid the turmoil.

    1. God gives His people strength.
    If we believe in His way, He’s swift to repay
    All those who bear the burden of the day
    God gives His people strength.

    2. God gives His people hope
    If we but trust in His word, our prayers are always heard
    He warmly welcomes anyone who’s erred.
    God gives His people hope.

    3. God gives His people love
    If we but open wide our hearts, He’s sure to do His part
    He’s always the first to make a start.
    God gives His people love.

    4. God gives His people peace.
    When sorrow fills us to the brim, and courage grows dim
    He lays to rest our restlessness in Him.
    God gives His people peace.

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