show me the way

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 143
Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. [Psalm 143:8]
In this life, there are many times when we feel lost, overwhelmed, scared, uncertain, hopeless, discouraged, etc., and our spirit within cries out, show me the way!
This reminds me of a song by the 80s rock group Styx titled Show Me The Way!

Every night I say a prayer In the hopes that there’s a Heaven
And everyday I’m more confused As the saints turn into sinners
All the heroes and legends I knew as a child have fallen to idols of clay
And I feel this empty place inside So afraid that I’ve lost my faith
Show me the way, show me the way

Take me tonight to the river And wash my illusions away
Please show me the way
And as I slowly drift to sleep For a moment dreams are sacred
I close my eyes and know that there’s peace In a world so filled with hatred
That I wake up each morning and turn on the news To find we’ve so far to go
And I keep on hoping for a sign So afraid I just won’t know
And if I see a light, should I believe
Tell me how will I know
Show me the way, show me the way
Give me the strength and the courage To believe that I’ll get there someday
And please show me the way

I was blown away when I first heard this song, by the rock group Styx.
But this only goes to show how deep that desperate cry goes in all of us!

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” [John 14:6-7]
God’s answer to this prayer is Jesus.
Out of the storm and the darkness there appears a man – Jesus.
Many heroes have come and gone pointing to the way, and some have even come claiming to be the way.
Jesus comes claiming to be the way, and the truth and the life, and best of us, He opens the way and shows us the way – through death to life!
He opens the way, He shows the way, for He is the way.

If you want to know what God is like, where God is, what He is doing in this broken, messed up world, look at Jesus.
He is up to His sleeves in the crap of this world, helping the meek and the weak, warning the high the mighty, suffering and sacrificing Himself for our sake.
Jesus comes to us from God to show us the way to God.
We find our way back to God by coming to Jesus.

We will continue to struggle for the rest of our lives, lost, confused, etc., until we finally accept that Jesus is the way that we need, the only true hope for life!

Lord, this world is so messed up, and despite our best efforts we cannot fix it. We need You, desperately! Thank You for showing the way, for opening the way, for being the way.

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