worse than at first

SCRIPTURE: 2 Peter 2
If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again entangled in it and are overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. [2 Peter 2:20]
It’s hard to imagine christians getting this bad, or the church this corrupt.
But reading through church history, we sadly see that Peter is right.
Peter reminds them that no matter how bad things get, even in the church, the Lord is still in charge, and He has bound all those who resist or oppose Him to judgment.
But a word of warning to those who betray the Lord and His cause, reject their salvation and are entangled again in the corruption of the world.
They are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning. [2 Peter 2:20]

When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.” [Luke 11:24-26]
You can see how Peter is thinking back to what Jesus said – And the final condition of that person is worse than the first.” [Luke 11:24-26]
It’s not enough for a person is set free from sin, death and hell; if the Lord is not welcomed as the new Master, then the demons will return with a vengeance.
Peter and Jesus are describing christians whose conversion only goes halfway.
They receive salvation but not new life; they accept Jesus’ forgiveness but do not surrender to His authority.
Their hearts, ‘swept clean and put in order’, remain empty.
And the powers of darkness reassert themselves, even worse than before.

I can think of a few stories I’ve heard of people who at one time called themselves christians but no longer follow Him.
Are they worse off than they were at first – the may deny it but only time will tell.
If people reject the only real hope, what remains for them?
They may live it up and laugh now, but where will it all lead, how will it all end?
Imagine their grief when they stand before the Lord on the last day and realize what it is they gave up, what they lost.

One other warning; don’t assume that once saved, you’re immune from falling.
I will not get into the theological debates about ‘once saved always saved’ or ‘perseverance of the saints’.
I am just taking the plain sense of these passages [and others, see Hebrews 6:4-6] where we are warned about falling away.
So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! [1 Corinthians 10:12]

Lord, You are in charge, and I am secure in You. But help me to cling to You in order to enjoy this security. Show me where I am at risk of losing the security I have in You!

One Comment

  1. I remember a child’s story by Max Lucado where the emphasis was to stay on the path. Don’t divert to the distractions, but stay on the path. The main focus must be God and our eyes must be set on Him to stay on the path. God has told us His Way and to walk in it. But we/I are like the children of Israel, diverted by the sights and sounds of the world around us.

    Time and time again in History, we see man falling away and God, our Saviour picking up the pieces and redeeming mankind – a new beginning. God has overcome. He overcame the angels who rebelled; a new beginning for Adam, Noah, Lot, Paul, myself. All these must stay the course and walk in the Way and keep their eyes on Jesus.

    Christ is the Rock which can not be moved. He is the PowerSource, the InSight, the Refuge, the StrongHold. Nowhere am I safer than my hand placed in His and He leads me along the Way. There is but One Way. Lord help me always to walk in THAT WAY, Your Way, focussing my eyes on Jesus my Guide. Then each day I do really walk in Your SonShine on the King’s highway – a road to lead me heavenward.

    Lead on, O King eternal,
    The day of march has come;
    Henceforth in fields of conquest
    Thy tents shall be our home.
    Through days of preparation
    Thy grace has made us strong;
    And now, O King eternal,
    We lift our battle song.
    Lead on, O King eternal,
    Till sin’s fierce war shall cease,
    And holiness shall whisper
    The sweet amen of peace.
    For not with swords’ loud clashing,
    Nor roll of stirring drums;
    With deeds of love and mercy
    The heavenly kingdom comes.

    Lead on, O King eternal,
    We follow, not with fears,
    For gladness breaks like morning
    Where’er Thy face appears.
    Thy cross is lifted over us,
    We journey in its light;
    The crown awaits the conquest;
    Lead on, O God of might.

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