His will, no matter what

There are two readings for today.

SCRIPTURE: 1 Peter 4
So then, those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good. [1 Peter 4:19]
Those who choose to follow Jesus choose to go against the current.
They are committed to doing what is right and good, no matter what.
Even if they are laughed at mocked or mistreated.
They are motivated by their love for Jesus, and for doing the will of God.
As times go from bad to worse, they become shining examples of love, grace, mercy, generosity, hospitality, etc. in an otherwise perverse, cruel world.
It will not be easy, but though they suffer, they entrust themselves to God and await His final blessing.

Jesus knew what it was to suffer for loving God and dong His will.
It led Him to the cross, and extreme sorrow: My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death… [Mark 14:34]
Nevertheless He was so committed to obeying God’s will, to using His life (His words and actions) as a vehicle for God’s grace, that not even overwhelming sorrow could stop Him.
Going a little farther, he fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. “Abba, Father,” he said, “everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” [Mark 14:35-36]
He prayed for mercy and help, but ultimately He committed Himself to His faithful Father/Creator and continued to do His will.
Not what I will, but what You will!

This is the heart of a Jesus-follower, more committed to Him and His will than anything else.
They do not live for their own desires, but for the will of God [1 Peter 4:2].
Is this your heart? Is this my heart?
As a Jesus-follower, I have surrendered my life (my ambitions, my hopes) to Him, and my highest calling is to love and obey Him.
At least, this is how it’s supposed to be.
Is it not true that many Jesus-followers (including myself) still live more for our own comfort and pleasure, than for God’s will?
Do I suffer for doing good, or do I make excuses when it gets hard?
Do I go overboard in being kind, generous or forgiving, or do I just do enough to make me appear good to others?

Those who choose to follow Jesus choose to go against the current.
They are committed to doing what is right and good, no matter what.
Is this true for me?

Lord, I am challenged by what I read today, and by the extreme devotion to Your will that is expected of me. I want to want to do Your will!

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