He loves that much!?

There are two readings for today.

I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. [Jonah 4:2]
Jonah knew that God would forgive the wicked Ninevites, that is why he didn’t want to preach to them – he didn’t want them to be saved!
I remember hearing someone from Africa refer to this story, and say that many third-world people feel this way about North American Christians.
After all that they have done to use and abuse the rest of the world…
Who are the people that you do not want God to forgive?
Are there people that – if they are in heaven – you will be perturbed with God?

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. [John 3:16]
There are a number of stories and events in Jesus’ life that show how God’s amazing love extends even to terrible sinners.
This is what got Jesus in trouble, the fact that He even gave the time of day to such unholy and sinful people.
But God’s love extends beyond a chosen few to all people, to the whole world.
And ‘world’ includes even more than people, it is the whole creation itself.
Yes, for God so loved the bees and the trees and the seas and the flees that He sent His Son; the whole creation is waiting in hope for humans to repent and believe, so that they can be saved too!

God expresses His love for the wicked people of Nineveh, and also the animals.
And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?” [Jonah 4:11]
Paul talks about the creation longing for the salvation of humans, so that it too can be freed from human depravity.
For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. [Romans 8:19-21]

God loves everyone and everything, and He wants us to do the same.
Think again of those people you have a hard time loving.
Think of those things (animals and trees) that you use, but do not love.
God wants to save us all, and to save it all.
Will we join Him?

Lord, I know that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. Help me love like You love, and to show this love to others – including those I don’t like!

One Comment

  1. The family of God.

    I am glad that the Lord selects His children and not I. All too often, God’s family members become too self-righteous and do not want certain members to be brothers and sisters i the Lord.

    How often do I help the needy family to show the love of Christ? Yesterday I saw the squalor conditions of a family with two young children. They have been helped by the church and it hasn’t improved. The church has not been there. They are washing their hands clean. Like the Jonah story, ‘Let’s see what will happen.’

    The Lord forgives and forgives and gives and gives. But me?

    I too need to be Christ-like and imitate Him in all things. His way and His will be done. My will must be in one accord with His. He is the ONE WAY direction I must live from day to day.

    And the greatest command is Love. Do this and live, that is what the Master said. Lord, help me to live for YOU this day.

    My Lord he died for a kingdom
    To redeem the hearts of men.
    Now my people don’t you weep,
    He has risen from His sleep
    He lives again, ALLELUIA


    My Lord came forth like the morning
    With the splendor of the sun
    Came triumphant from the womb,
    From the darkness of the tomb,
    The victory won ALLELUIA

    My Lord united our mountains,
    With the everlasting hills
    Now the seasons and the sea
    Sing a song of victory
    Rocks and rills, ALLELUIA

    My Lord renewed all creation
    that had waited late and long.
    Now we all with one accord
    Live and love the risen Lord
    This is our song, ALLELUIA

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