the lofty one cares

There are two readings for today.

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 138
Though the LORD is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly; though lofty, he sees them from afar. [Psalm 138:6]
The leader of my country does not know my name; those that are under him do not know me either.
Eventually, down the line, there is some government official who may have seen my name on a list, but I am effectively ‘nobody’ to those who are over me.
But God knows every person by name, and He looks with a special kindness on those that are at the bottom of the chain.
Even though God is exalted in the highest position, He sees and knows everyone, the big and small, and loves each one!

See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. [Matthew 18:10]
Jesus affirms this special love for the little ones.
He shows how God’s personal servants are the direct link between Himself and the little ones; no levels of bureaucracy, they connect to God face to face.

The point of all this is that God’s greatness is not a barrier to His goodness towards all of His children.
We may feel disconnected or distant from God, but He is very close to us.
Though lofty, he sees them from afar. [Psalm 138:6]
And Jesus’ point goes further: even though those in worldly power ignore, neglect or abuse the little ones, God does not.
And a serious warning is given to those in power – See that you do not despise one of these little ones. [Matthew 18:10]
God knows what you are doing, and He sees everything that happens to them.
Though lofty, He sees them (and you) from afar. [Psalm 138:6]

Throughout the ages humble believers have entrusted their lives and situations into the loving care of God.
Even when their lives have been hard, they kept their eyes on God, Who they knew was keeping their eyes on them.
It was this hope that led the slaves to write their beautiful, hopeful spirituals.
And we believe that they now see the Father face to face themselves.

We do not believe in a distant, impersonal, uncaring God.
Though lofty, he sees me from afar. [Psalm 138:6]

Lord, my government does not know me, but You do. May this give me hope and confidence as I go through my day today!

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