when God lets us go hungry

“The days are coming,” declares the Sovereign LORD, “when I will send a famine through the land— not a famine of food or a thirst for water, but a famine of hearing the words of the LORD. [Amos 8:11]
God speaks all the time, and though we do not realize it, we depend on His voice.
It is through Jesus (the voice or word of God) that life is created and sustained.
We foolishly think we can live apart from God and His life-giving voice, but if he withdrew His voice, life would be miserable, unbearable.
People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from north to east, searching for the word of the LORD, but they will not find it. [Amos 8:12]
What an apt picture of how people live today, desperately searching yet not finding.

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” [Matthew 4:7]
This is not just a statement of what ought to be, it describes what is, for all people.
Every moment of our existence we find life and hope and meaning and purpose in His constant communication through Jesus and the Spirit.
But if we refuse to listen, refuse to obey, refuse to rely on Him and His heart, the result will be misery – like a famine where people desperately search for food or drink.
The word of God is not the bible (though the bible is the word of God), it is the heart and mind and power of God expressed to us through the Son and Spirit of God.
Jesus is the fullest revelation of God’s Word, the Word made flesh; in Him we have the mind and heart and life of God.

The message of Amos is a warning, that God will one day withdraw His communication from His people, and they will discover how empty and miserable life is without Him.
This famine is happening today; all over the world and right in our own neighbourhood, we see people staggering and searching desperately.
Looking for hope, looking for meaning, looking for purpose, looking for fulfillment, looking for joy, looking for life, looking for themselves…
But what they are seeking is God and His word (not just the bible!!!), His life and message and power and truth, most clearly revealed in Jesus.
The irony is that this famine is happening in the context of a huge abundance.
There is plenty spiritual food to eat, yet people are starving.
Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God. [John 8:47]
If we are spiritually empty, or hungry and thirsty, desperate for meaning or life or joy or purpose or satisfaction, it is because we are experiencing a famine of God’s word.
And yet everything we need to satisfy our soul hunger is found in Jesus!

Lord, help me to feast on the life You offer, instead of looking for scraps in the garbage of this world.


  1. Hearing.


    I always tell my students that hearing equals doing. If we do not do, then we haven’t heard.

    The people did not do. They wanted their own way. Sondays was a burden to them. They went through the motions. When can I get doing my way again. Rituals. Their heart was in their stomach. Their appetite was ravenous but only self serving, at any cost without regard for others. I will prosper. I will have. My rules.

    But there is a famine in the land – a famine for his Word. They people will not be filled. They will continue to thirst. God’s Word will not be found. In the midst of plenty, the people are starving – for that life giving water/food – the Word of the Lord to direct their paths in all their doings. Have Your Way oh God also in my life.

    His table is spread before me. I must partake of His food for life giving LIFE! Then I will be satisfied and never hunger or thirst for He has fulfilled ll my desires.

    Come into His presence with thanksgiving in your heart
    And give Him praise, and give Him praise
    Come into His presence with thanksgiving in your heart
    Your voices raise, your voices raise

    Give glory and honor and power unto Him
    Jesus, the name above all names

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