chosen for a purpose

Woe to you who are complacent in Zion, and to you who feel secure on Mount Samaria, you notable men of the foremost nation, to whom the people of Israel come! [Amos 6:1]
Complacent and proud, living as if everything is OK, ignoring the need and crisis surrounding them… this is NOT good leadership.
When God places someone in a position of leadership, they are responsible to watch over, guide and protect the people they are over.
Theirs is a position of responsibility, not of privilege.
But often position and power lead to pride, and the usual result is that they lose their position and power, and the people suffer.
I abhor the pride of Jacob and detest his fortresses; I will deliver up the city and everything in it.” [Amos 6:8]

For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. [Matthew 23:12]
In Matthew 23 Jesus also speaks words of woe to those who sit in Moses’ seat [Matthew 23:1, 13-39] and concludes that their pride (exalting themselves) will lead to their downfall (will be humbled).
This is a serious warning to all who feel called to leadership positions – it is a huge responsibility!
Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. [James 3:1]

God has placed you where you are for a reason.
This applies to leaders, but it also applies to believers in general who have been saved for a purpose – to be a blessing.
The failure of Israel’s leaders led also to the failure of the nation of Israel to be a kingdom of priests – God’s representatives among the nations.
They became more enamored by their being elect (the chosen people) than by the reason for their being chosen – the bless the nations.
Yes, we are saved (praise God for His amazing grace) but we are also called.
We are saved to serve, but if we become complacent or proud, more worried about our comfort than our calling – we will lose what we have freely received.
When churches and christians lose sight of their calling, they eventually lose their position and their power (consider the declining influence of the church in the west).
I abhor the pride of the church and detest her buildings; I will deliver up these churches and everything in it.” [Amos 6:8]

Lord, forgive me my pride and complacency. Help me pursue my calling with a joy and gratitude that reflects the greatness of Your grace and salvation.

One Comment

  1. A woe!

    The people come for advice, but their words are like the east wind – full of nothing, but what their hands have accomplished. Their security lies in their accomplishments. And when that happens to the leaders, the people also go astray.

    Once again the basic questions must be asked of all peoples – not just leaders. Why are you here? What’s your purpose? What’s wrong with the world? What are you going to do about it?

    We must mention the name of the Lord for we are His. He created us to be a blessing. He created us to live for Jesus – created/called to be a blessing – created/called to serve Him. And we can only see when we walk in His SonShine otherwise we too will be like the people described in this chapter – eating and drinking as there is no tomorrow and seeing what their hands have done – all for personal gain at all costs. Pride before the fall. And how great that fall. Their labour will amount to nothing. It will all disappear.

    We must never boast of our own accomplishments but always work in the power of His saving grace. We are His servants working His creation bringing our sacrifices of praise into His presence. Called to serve in His garden, may we go forward each day anew praising His name for the renewed strength as we continue our stewardship knowing full well that all things received are from above to be used for His purposes – a blessing for others. An attitude of gratitude with altitude. Thanksliving.

    Not what these hands have done
    can save this guilty soul,
    not what this toiling flesh has borne
    can make my spirit whole.

    Not what I feel or do
    can give me peace with God;
    not all my prayers, and sighs, and tears
    can bear my aweful load.

    Thy work alone, O Christ,
    can ease this weight of sin;
    Thy blood alone, O Lamb of God,
    can give me peace within.

    Thy love to me, O God,
    not mine, O Lord, to Thee,
    can rid me of this dark unrest,
    and set my spirit free.

    Thy grace alone, O God,
    to me can pardon speak;
    Thy power alone, O Son of God,
    can this sore bondage break.

    I bless the Christ of God,
    I rest on love divine,
    and with unfaltering lip and heart,
    I call this Saviour mine

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