my food, my priority?

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 119:49-96
I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands. Though the wicked bind me with ropes, I will not forget your law. [Psalm 119:60-61]
Let’s be totally honest, would you say that your commitment to loving God and obeying His will is your highest, your deepest passion and priority?
The psalmist writes this “ode” to God’s Law, and finds as many ways as he can to express his commitment to it.
‘You can mock me, you can hurt me, you can reject me, you can bind me, you can even kill me, nothing is more important to me than living for God and His will.

“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. [John 4:34]
Jesus shares this same passion with the psalmist – it’s my daily bread, what I live by and what I live for.
Jesus devoted His whole life to living out God’s purpose for Him, even though it took Him along the path of rejection, persecution, abuse and ultimately death.
Once again, think about our own commitment to the Lord, can we say this?
Think about yesterday – how did this commitment show itself in your life?
Would other people observe in me that my top priority – more important to me than food – is to do what God wants me to do, even if it is hard?
Think about today, am I prepared to make this my specific commitment in every situation I face, every challenge I encounter – whatever happens, I am determined to do the will of Him Who saved me and to finish His work.
I have said these words in general many times (or sang them, like “Take my life and let it be” or “I surrender all” “Jesus, all for Jesus”).
But specifically: when I am driving, when I am with my friends, when I am being falsely accused at work, when I am tempted to hide behind a half-truth, when I have to make a decision about money, when I am asked to help out someone in need?
The specific scenarios will be different for each person, but the underlying spirit and motive ought to be the same: I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.

The important thing here is the specific application.
We all know that we need to love our neighbour, but where will I meet my neighbour today, and how will I actually show God’s love to them?
We all know that God blesses us with wealth in order that we may be a blessing, but how will I show God’s generosity with ‘my’ money today?
If my attitude is like the psalmist, or like Jesus, then I will go into the day looking for ways to love and obey God.
After all, my food is to do the will of Him Who sent me, and to finish His work!

Lord, help me to move beyond saying or singing the right words, to actually living them out each and every day.

One Comment

  1. I always end my devotions with a song – a song of praise – a song from my heart. This psalm tells me that God’s decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge. He is my ALL in all.

    In my living for Jesus I have said He is my portion. I will obey His Words. His law is my delight. His Word is my Hope. His Word is my meditation, my Guide. He is faithful and all need to serve Him. I need to serve Him for that is my purpose for living. I am yours.

    All of my life I must seek Him in all I do and say. He is eternal. He is everlasting. He is forever. He is limitless. He is boundless. He is the Source of Life of daily living because He fashioned me and formed me. He is my Creator God and therefore the Energizer of my being from day to day. Empower me this day Lord to serve You in all things.

    All glory, laud and honor,
    To Thee, Redeemer, King,
    To Whom the lips of children
    Made sweet hosannas ring.

    Thou art the King of Israel,
    Thou David’s royal Son,
    Who in the Lord’s Name comest,
    The King and Blessèd One.


    The company of angels
    Are praising Thee on High,
    And mortal men and all things
    Created make reply.


    The people of the Hebrews
    With palms before Thee went;
    Our prayer and praise and anthems
    Before Thee we present.


    To Thee, before Thy passion,
    They sang their hymns of praise;
    To Thee, now high exalted,
    Our melody we raise.


    Thou didst accept their praises;
    Accept the prayers we bring,
    Who in all good delightest,
    Thou good and gracious King.

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