practicing what I preach

Israel cries out to me, ‘Our God, we acknowledge you!’ But Israel has rejected what is good; an enemy will pursue him. [Hosea 8:2-3]
Their actions do not match their words, they say that they are honouring God but in practice they honour themselves.
From God’s point of view, Israel has forgotten their Maker [Hosea 8:14]
This means that all their religious activity means nothing to God, because He knows that deep down in their heart they do not love or honour Him.
Though they offer sacrifices as gifts to me, and though they eat the meat, the LORD is not pleased with them. [Hosea 8:13]

Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples: “The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. [Matthew 23:1-3]
The expression ‘practice what you preach’ comes from these words of Jesus.
In other words, let your actions match your words.
This is a harsh criticism, but it is a recurring theme in Jesus’ preaching, as well as in the message of the prophets.
You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are merely human rules.’ [Matthew 15:7-9, Isaiah 29:13]

This causes me to think about my own heart, my own religious activity.
Do I practice what I preach?
Do I put on a good religious show, but inwardly my heart is far from God?
Have I forgotten my Maker?
Everyone ought to seriously reflect on these questions, especially if you have been a believer for a long time, especially if you were raised in a believing context.
It is so easy to fall into the trap of religious activity without relationship with God, without a commitment to what is good.
I know this from experience, and to be honest I often find myself going through the motions, doing what is expected of me in my role as religious leader.
Believe me, it is a very unsatisfying way to live.

Lord, going through the motions is such an empty way to live. Show me how to break out of the rut of religion and move into a more dynamic, deep relationship with You.

One Comment

  1. Knowing and doing. Knowing = Doing. It should be the same.

    God’s people knew the Lord their God but they went their own way. They made their own gods and forgot the Lord their God. They forgot the upward look and went the downward look – made themselves their master, ruler, their all in all. What they knew did not become their do.

    Words and deeds must match. Knowing the Lord must equal doing the Lord’s will. Walk the talk. Where is the Lord in my life? Do I really live that Today, God Is First?

    As I start this day with You Lord, may it permeate throughout me this day hatYou are my All in all and that I do live for Jesus. You are on my mind. You are in my doings. You lead me and guide me in the way I should walk. Help me this day and always to walk with the risen Saviour. Lead me and guide me by Your Spirit. Help me walk the talk.

    Give me oil in my lamp
    Keep me burning
    Give me oil in my lamp I pray,
    Give me oil in my lamp.
    Keep me burning, burning, burning
    Keep me burning till the break of the day
    Sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna,
    Sing Hosanna to the King of Kings,
    Sing Hosanna, Sing Hosanna,
    Sing Hosanna to the King.
    …..Give me love in my heart, keep me serving
    …..Give me faith in my heart, keep me trusting

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