The splash of God’s love

[April 28, 2011]
On Easter Sunday we were able to witness the baptism of Lisa and her son Andrew.
They came to Crossroads through the invitation of Lisa’s friend Michelle.
They have been a part of our community since January 2011.She shared in her testimony how God has been at work in her life, and how His peace and love have filled her since she recommitted her life to the Lord.
Andrew shared the words of 1 John 3:1 from memory, reminding us how God has lavished His love on all of us, that we might be called children of God… and that is what we are!
Pastor Norm spoke about the scene in the Mel Gibson movie where a tear drop from heaven falls at the foot of the cross.
In that image we see the splash of God’s love, and all those around it get wet too.
From God to us, through us to those around us, to our family and friends and neighbours and classmate and co-workers and even complete strangers.
May God’s love continue to make others wet through us!

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