Arts @ BCF

[May 20, 2011]
On Thursday May 19th, BCF held its annual Arts Night.
This was an opportunity to showcase the God-given talents of the students, and to encourage them in using them.
The program was planned by Rhonda Kirkpatrick – the music teacher and member at Hope Fellowship Church in Courtice (her husband Alan has spoken at Crossroads before) – with great contributions from the staff and students.
The evening was well-planned and delivered, with each presentation following promptly after the other.The variety included choral singing, recorder and instrumental band music, folk and modern dance, drama – as well as musical skipping and a ‘duct tape & newspaper’ fashion show!
The evening was entertaining, upbeat and even inspiring.
What struck me especially was when the senior girls choir joined together in singing “Beautiful” by Christine Aguilera.
Although the world does not understand beauty in a God way, there is something very true in the message that every person is a beautiful, much-loved child of God – “no matter what they say!”
Whether or not these girls understood the message they were singing, we can affirm God’s message to them too – each one of them is a beautiful, much loved child of God!
It is a great privilege to work with Rhonda and the staff to bring out God’s best in the students at BCF.

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