actions that deny

They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good. [Titus 1:16]
Paul’s concern as a missionary is not just to start new churches, he is also concerned to support and sustain strong churches.
This letter is his words of encouragement to Titus, the leader at the church in Crete, who was left there to set up a leadership team to protect the new believers there.
In this chapter he warns Titus about the troublemakers in the church, and how he must deal strongly with them.
You can tell them by their actions, which go against their claims of faith.

“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. [Matthew 7:15-16]
Jesus also warns about those that infiltrate the community of believers, who look and sound like sheep, and yet are dangerous and destructive, like wolves.
Jesus also points to their actions (fruit) to identify them.
If the fruit of the Spirit (Jesus at work in a person) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc., then the lack of these says something about their relationship to Christ.
Keep in mind, as Paul says in the beginning of his letter, that the “knowledge of the truth leads to godliness” [Titus 1:1], so if the godliness is missing, there is something wrong with the knowledge.
They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him.

We need to be careful here, to make a distinction between a new believer (who has much to learn and to change still) and a false believer (who remains unchanged after years of following Christ).
This is why Paul says that the elders ought to be people of demonstrated integrity, who have shown over time how Christ has transformed them into His image.

We should not judge people, as far as their eternity goes – only God knows that.
But we do need to be discerning.
We can expect that a person who knows Christ will show evidence of character change.
The fruit of their life will eventually reveal the root of their faith.
This is why it is so important to be a part of Christian community, where it is understood and expected that people will change, will more and more be like Jesus.
Community life offers both the challenges that test our character, as well as the support and accountability that refine our character.
The Spirit provides opportunities in community life to discover what love and joy and peace and patience and kindness mean, and to become better at producing them.

Jesus formed a community of His followers to support and sharpen them.
Paul made sure that new believers had the leadership and support to help them grow.
Take time today to reflect on what your own fruit reveals about your heart.
And think about how community life is helping you become more and more like Jesus.

Lord, help me by Your Spirit, and through the community of the Spirit, to become more and more like You… not just in my words but in my actions!

One Comment

  1. One-Anothering.

    The characteristics of the leader are spelled out here. The elders must be the example to lead in the community of believers. The elders are the encouragers, the pace setters, the living letters. Follow my example. That needs to be true of all of God’s people – to be doers of His Word. He has given the guidelines for daily living. We need to listen to those guidelines. To listen = to do!

    They will know we are Christians by our love. The Gospel in one word is love. Love God. Love man. Our actions will reveal how well we are learning what we have been taught God has provided leaders to show us the Way. May we not be slow learners, but obedient, doing good, encouraging one another, being living letters of Christ Jesus living in us. LightShine. SonShine. GodStrong. LiveStrong. ChristStrong. SpiritStrong.

    To love Him = to know Him = to serve Him.

    I have one deep, supreme desire,
    that I may be like Jesus.
    To this I fervently aspire,
    that I may be like Jesus.
    I want my heart His throne to be,
    so that a watching world may see
    His likeness shining forth in me.
    I want to be like Jesus.

    He spent His life in doing good;
    I want to be like Jesus.
    In lowly paths of service trod;
    I want to be like Jesus.
    He sympathised with hearts distressed,
    He spoke the words that cheered and blessed,
    He welcomed sinners to His breast.
    I want to be like Jesus.

    A holy, harmless life He led;
    I want to be like Jesus.
    The Father’s will, His drink and bread;
    I want to be like Jesus.
    And when at last He comes to die,
    “Forgive them, Father,” hear Him cry
    for those who taunt and crucify.
    I want to be like Jesus.

    O perfect life of Christ, my Lord!
    I want to be like Jesus.
    My recompense and my reward,
    that I may be like Jesus.
    His Spirit fill my hungering soul,
    His power all my life control.
    My deepest prayer, my highest goal,
    that I may be like Jesus.

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