grace that wows!

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 103
He will not always accuse, nor will he harbor his anger forever; he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. [Psalm 103:9-10]
God is not soft on sin, but He is certainly soft (or gentle) on sinners.
He knows that we are weak (dust), He knows that we are prone to sin and wander.
He is like a parent with their young child, He has deep compassion for His children.
Think about how patient we need to be with our young children – though He is much more patient with us than we are with them.
He does not, and will not, treat us as our sins deserve; if He did, we’d be dead and gone.
Yes God is sometimes angry, but He is always loving; in fact His anger is an expression of His love!

Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” [John 8:10-11]
This story certainly captures the spirit of Psalm 103.
Jesus is not soft on sin (leave your life of sin) but He is soft on the sinner (neither do I condemn you).
Here Jesus shows us the heart of God, His love which feels pain and anger when we wander or rebel, but which never stops loving His children.

This will only strike you as amazing and wonderful if you, like this woman, realize your sin and how you deserve to be punished.
For this woman, Jesus was the first person who did not treat her as a slut but as a precious child of God, and she must have been overwhelmed (there is a possibility that this is the same woman that later anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume and tears).
David also responds to God’s amazing mercy with perfume and tears of a different sort, by writing this psalm of praise (and many more).
Remember, he knew what it was to be a sinner, he was a murderer and an adulterer.
And God did not treat him as his sin deserved, God did not repay him according to his iniquities.
This is why David explodes with this call for praise at every level of the universe.
He remembers all the benefits and mercies that he has received from God.

Do you?

Lord, help me to remember how amazing Your love and mercy is. And help me to worship You with tears and perfume and psalms of praise – from my heart to Yours.

One Comment

  1. Praise! PTL!

    All that is within me, praise His name. Praise Him for all what He has done. Praise Him! Praise Him!

    He renews our strength for He is the wind under our wings. But the greatest reason for the praise is that He does not treat us as we deserve, Through His Son, by His love, He is gracious to His people and removed all our sins is we but love Him, fear Him, obey His commands and keep covenant. Do this and live, forevermore. PTL!

    I need to remember His promises each and every day, that I am not my own but need to live for my Saviour. I am always in His presence and need to dome singing my praises for He has given me Life and that is LIFE forevermore. PTL!

    Rule over me and help me to do Your will also this day, Lord. Help me to see You always that You have dominion, and the power and the glory and the praises forevermore. Amen and Amen!

    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia’.
    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia’.

    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord.’
    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord.’

    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.’
    Come into His presence, singing,
    ‘Glory to God, Glory to God, Glory to God.’

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