fearing and trusting God

It is you alone who are to be feared. Who can stand before you when you are angry? From heaven you pronounced judgment, and the land feared and was quiet— when you, God, rose up to judge, to save all the afflicted of the land. [Psalm 76:7-9]
It is not that there are not other things that are frightening, but when compared to God they are nothing.
God controls the Universe, He directs the course of history, He creates and sustains all things, in Him all things hold together.
Yes, by His will He allows freedom to humans to rule on the earth, and it is that freedom that has turned this world into a hell-hole.
But God does not remain passive or indifferent, He is acting, and He will act, on behalf of the weak, the poor, the oppressed – to save all the afflicted of the land.
This is the One that we ought to fear, the One we ought to respect and revere.

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny ? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. [Matthew 10:28-31]
Jesus make the same point – there are many who make threats, and use their freedom to make life hard for others.
But do not fear them, that is, do not submit to them or worse become like them.
Rather, submit to God, the highest of all, and strive with all your might to be like Him, even if the whole world goes against you.
Better to submit to God and be like Him and suffer in this world, than to submit to the wicked and become like them.
It may mean suffering in this world for a time, but that is nothing compared to what life will be like without God, or against God.
God remains in charge, and though He grants us a season of freedom to exercise our will in this twisted, messed up world, He will direct all things towards His purpose – His will will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

I do not say these things lightly; I know it is easy for me to say as I sit here in relative peace and ease, while people all over the world are suffering unspeakable horrors and cruelties… the afflicted that God will save.
I say what I say out of shallow experience, but I am echoing what millions have said out of the depth of experience.
Many have suffered and endured unspeakable circumstances, yet kept their confidence in God, and continued to be like Him no matter what happened.
They were not perfect, but they refused to submit to evil; they chose to submit to God and await His mercy and help.
May God grant me the faith and the strength to stand firm in times of adversity, trusting that He is the One to be feared, He is the One to be trusted.
So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

Lord, thank You for the example of so many people who have trusted and feared You over all else, even through adversity.

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