as we have forgiven…

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 34
Recently you repented and did what is right in my sight: Each of you proclaimed freedom to your own people. You even made a covenant before me in the house that bears my Name. But now you have turned around and profaned my name; each of you has taken back the male and female slaves you had set free to go where they wished. You have forced them to become your slaves again. [Jeremiah 34:15-16]
Under seige, the people make a covenant with God out of desperation – they promise to release their slaves as God had commanded them.
But after sensing that they had ‘earned’ God’s pardon for their righteous act, they took their slaves back.
God forgave them when they humbly repented, but then they went right back to their cruel ways.

Jesus tells a story of a man who is forgiven a huge debt, then that man turns around and cruelly treats someone who owes him a minor debt [Matthew 18].
Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’ In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart. [Matthew 18:32-35]
They were neither grateful for God’s mercy, nor merciful to those that were in their debt; they defy God and His grace.
When they were desperate, they pleaded for mercy; when others were desperate (the slaves under their charge, the man who owed the small debt), they refused to be merciful!
Suffice it to say that this makes God angry.

Do we really appreciate the line in the Lord’s prayer where Jesus teaches us to say, “forgive us AS WE FORGIVE those that sin against us!”?
God is not looking for people to pray, He is looking for people to repent and change their ways, to be sincere and not just religious.
In both readings [Jeremiah 34, Matthew 18] we see God’s anger at people who demand mercy but refuse to give it to others.
How do we treat obnoxious people – the same way God treats us when we are obnoxious?
How do we treat people that repeatedly hurt us – the same way God treats us when we repeatedly hurt Him?
How do we handle those who try our patience – the same way God treats us when we try His patience?

Lord, forgive me for expecting (even demanding) mercy or forgiveness or help from You, yet not being quick to offer it to others!

One Comment

  1. The death of Zedekiah was foretold. And the king did what the Lord God asked of him and freed the slaves. But the people after they freed their slaves had a change of heart and made them captive again. This reminds me of Pharaoh. He did let the people go and then changed his heart. A hardened heart insisting upon his own way.

    That is just a different way of saying, my way rather than God’s way. And yes I remember the parable of the unmerciful servant – the one who was forgiven a lot and then turned around and put a fellow debtor into prison. Lord forgive me my daily trespasses as I forgive others who trespass against me.

    As a Christ follower, I must do as He did – follow his example. Forgive. Do as the Father says no matter the difficulty because He will provide. How’s my trust? Do I really believe that I can do all things through Him?

    Lord, help me to live a living Light shining for Jesus, relying on Your power shining in me and through me each day, empowering me in all I do and say.

    Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, O Lord,
    Thy Word is a light to my way;
    It shines in my soul like a star by night,
    And comforts and cheers me by day.

    O wonderful, wonderful Word,
    My treasure, my hope, and my stay;
    Each promise recorded delights my soul,
    And brightens each step of my way.

    Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, O Lord,
    And, trusting in Thee as my all,
    Whatever of evil may cross my path,
    I never, no, never can fall.


    Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, O Lord,
    And oh, when Thy glory I see,
    For all the rich blessings its truth has brought,
    The praises will I give unto Thee.


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