SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 2:11-22
1. Paul makes it clear that the New Covenant is different from the Old Covenant, that the “law with its commandments and regulations” has been abolished, and instead that we are reunited with God through His sacrifice of love.
APPLICATION: This ought to make us very careful in how we use the Old Covenant, remembering that we are no longer under the law as a way of finding peace with God.
2. Paul also makes it clear that the separation between races is unacceptable in Christ. The Old Covenant position of the Jews was only a temporary step on the way towards full inclusion of all nations.
APPLICATION: I live in a very sheltered environment, involved with only ‘whites’ of Eurpoean descent. God’s world is so much brighter, and I need to see all peoples as my brothers and sisters in Christ.
3. The New Covenant uses Old Covenant images (circumcision, the blood and the temple) but expands them to be spiritual realities. The symbols find their substance and reality in Christ. (Colossians 2:16-17)
APPLICATION: Do we sometimes get stuck on the symbols and lose sight of the reality – like with baptism or the Lord’s Supper, or the sanctuary, the pulpit, the clergy? How many church battles have been fought over symbols, while the reality of Jesus Christ was neglected.
Lord, thank You for saving us from ourselves and our folly. Open my eyes to see You better, to see all people as my brothers and sisters, and to see what really matters as far as faith, hope and love are concerned. Amen.