where does rain come from?

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 14
Do any of the worthless idols of the nations bring rain? Do the skies themselves send down showers? No, it is you, LORD our God. Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this. [Jeremiah 14:22]
The land is going through a crisis of famine and drought, and Jeremiah is appealing to God for mercy.
Meanwhile the other prophets are saying that everything is OK, that there will be peace and abundance.
And the people are not listening to Jeremiah but to the other prophets.
Jeremiah makes it clear that God is the one that sends the rain, not there Baals and statues.

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. [Matthew 5:44-45]
Jesus also reminds His disciples that God is the source of rain and blessing, not only for His chosen people but for ALL people, everyone!!!!
Even for people that do not acknowledge God, for people that hate God.
The rain, the sun, the animals, the food that the earth produces, everything about this world is a gift from God, He is the true source of it all.
And we are all beneficiaries of His gracious abundance.
Is it no wonder then that we frustrate God no end when we ignore Him, take Him for granted, or take credit for our own blessing.
Do we honestly think that we can control the natural world?
Look at what is happening in the world – mudslides, floods, drought, melting ice caps, earthquakes – can we improve these things?
Yes, we are in part responsible for what is happening in the world today – global warming is affected by our excessive and abusive lifestyles.
But we should not presume to think that we are in charge of these things, or can control them.
God remains in charge, and He allows what is happening to show us what happens when we forget or reject Him.

God loves us, and blesses us, and wants us to love Him and others, and to bless Him and others.
As was the case in Jeremiah’s day, the mess in the world today is the result of our failure to do so.
All of the ‘natural’ disasters and crises occurring around us are God’s way of reminding us that we depend on Him.
Israel did not pay attention… will we?

Lord, thank You for being so gracious and so patient with us. Help us to pay attention to what is happening in the world today, and to look to You for hope and blessing!

One Comment

  1. The passage ends with, ‘Therefore our hope is in you, for you are the one who does all this.’

    The passage paints a desolate picture. The people have gone their own ways. There are prophets and there are prophets. There are those who speak the Word of the Lord and there are those who speak the word the people want to hear. Again, the people have ears and do not hear the word of the Lord. They have eyes and do not see what is happening to the land because of their evil ways. They can’t see the sign of the times.

    Can we? Can I? How does the Lord speak to me? How do I read the times I live in? Where do I put my hope and trust?

    I trust the Lord my God. My hope is in You Lord.

    My only hope is You (My only hope is You)
    Jesus My only hope is You (Yes my hope is You Lord)
    From early in the morning to late at night
    My only hope is You

    (And my only peace) My only peace is You (My only peace is You)
    Jesus My only peace is You (Yes my peace is You Lord)
    From early in the morning to late at night
    My only peace is You

    (And my only joy) My only joy is You (My only joy is You)
    Jesus My only joy is You (Yes my joy is You Lord)
    From early in the morning to late at night
    My only joy is You

    (Yes all that I need) All that I need is You (All that I need is You)
    Jesus all that I need is You (All I need is You Lord)
    From early in the morning to late at night
    All that I need is You

    (And my only hope) My only hope is You (My only hope is You)
    Jesus My only hope is You (Yes my hope is You Lord)
    From early in the morning to late at night
    My only hope is You
    From early in the morning to late at night
    My only hope is You

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