never let go!

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 13
For as a belt is bound around the waist, so I bound all the people of Israel and all the people of Judah to me,’ declares the LORD, ‘to be my people for my renown and praise and honor. But they have not listened.’ [Jeremiah 13:11]
If I were going to jump from a plane with a parachute, I would want to make sure that the parachute was firmly attached, that the belts and buckles were solid and secure.
God describes His bond to His people as a secure belt, and He staked His honour on their survival and success.
He was their parachute solid and secure, nothing would loosen His grip on them…
Unless of course they unbuckled the belt themselves.
But they have not listened!

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.” [John 10:27-30]
Again and again God makes it clear that His love is secure, and that those who cling to Him in hope will not be dropped.
No one can snatch them out of my hand!
But what if we refuse to be held, what if we abandon the belt.
Picture this – a person falling from the sky with a parachute firmly attached, and they release the belts and let go of the chute.
What would you say of a person who did this?

This is what God is frustrated by – He has promised to be their parachute, and they have let go of Him.
This is why they are in a freefall, this is why they are about to crash.
God is not willing that anyone should fall, but if people refuse to hang on to them, He will reluctantly let go.
He does not let go right away, He warns them and pleads with them to reconsider – but eventually He will let go if we insist.
Israel did not go through horrific experiences because God let go of them, but because they let go of God.

God’s grip on me is solid and secure – nothing can separate me from His love.
May I not be like the foolish person who unclasps the parachute while falling.
I need Him to survive, I need Him to succeed… I will crash without Him!

Lord, I need You to hang on to me. Forgive me for letting go of You. Thank You that Your grip is stronger than mine, a firm belt that will not let go.

One Comment

  1. The linen belt, around the waist, to hold things up and together. Jeremiah was told told by God to bury the belt an after awhile to get it again, but the belt had decayed and become useless. The prophet instructed by God used this visual to tell His people of their relationship to the Father.

    The people were to be held close to Him yet they had buried themselves in their own sins and left the way of the Lord. The second symbol was the wineskin which should have been filled with wine – of joy yet was filled with despair because of the sins of the people. They have gone their own way and did was right in their own eyes. The Lord will visit His people with destruction to turn their hearts to ‘home’ but will they see?

    All things are possible with God. He is mighty to save if we but turn our eyes on Him.

    Joyful news to all mankind,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    All who seek shall surely find
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    Sinners may relinquish wrong,
    Faltering hearts may now be strong;
    Sound the tidings right along,
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.

    Jesus is mighty to save,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    From the uttermost, to the uttermost,
    Mighty to save!

    Though as scarlet be the stains,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    Though as steel the binding chains,
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    His the glorious sacrifice;
    His the blood which paid the price;
    His the love doth now entice;
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.


    Fearful soul, discard thy fears,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    Seeker, haste to dry thy tears,
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    With assurance seek His face,
    Doubt no more His love and grace,
    Give Him now His rightful place,
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.


    Since His blood for thee was shed,
    Jesus is mighty to save;
    Since He lives Who once was dead,
    Jesus is mighty to save.
    While in conflict we engage,
    When the storms around shall rage,
    All our earthly pilgrimage,
    Jesus is mighty, is mighty to save.

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